本书系统地介绍了生物医学数据分析的相关基础知识和主要的分析方法,并通过 MATLAB 对大量的 生物医学数据分析的实例进行实现。全书共分为 7 章:第 1 章绪论;第 2 章 MATLAB 应用基础;第 3 章 医用数学基础及其 MATLAB 实现;第 4 章多变量分析;第 5 章时间序列分析;第 6 章生物信息学基础; 第 7 章生物医学数据的检索方法。 (This book introduces the relevant basic knowledge and analysis of biomedical data analysis, and analysis of biomedical data through MATLAB instance implemented. The book is divided into seven chapters: Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 based on MATLAB applications Chapter 3 Medical mathematical foundation and its MATLAB implementation Chapter 4 multivariate analysis Chapter 5, time series analysis Chapter 6 bioinformatics Chapter 7 of the foundation biomedical data retrieval methods.)