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于 2014-10-18 发布 文件大小:38KB
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  bu bir adam asmaca oyunudur.biraz amatö r olsa da iş inize yarar.kodlar anlaş ı lı r.takı ldı ğ ı nı z bi yer olursa mesaj atı n.



0 个回复

  • ncorr_v1
    matlab/C++ 源代码,在数字相关技术中应用非常高效准确。(matlab/C++ source code in digital image correlation. It s very useful and convenient)
    2013-10-15 02:12:08下载
  • WSCC_9_bus_system
    模拟WSCC 9公交系统。我已经做了这个系统与标准数据。如何在Matlab环境下对模拟输电线路的参数(电阻、电抗和电纳)是由分布参数与平衡负载流。千瓦&千乏的发电机的参数转换成KVA和Matlab仿真千伏。(This simulation is of WSCC 9 Bus System. I have made this system with standard datas. How ever for simulating in Matlab environment the parameters of transmission lines ( Resistance , Reactance and Susceptance ) are taken by distributed parameters with balance load flow. The Parameters of generators in KW & KVAR are converted into KVA and KV for Matlab simulation. )
    2014-11-19 23:35:42下载
  • Quickest-detection
    Quickest detection by vicent poor
    2015-02-11 03:57:29下载
  • three_dim_plot
    The model used for creating the reference voltage is shown in Fig. 4. First, photovoltaic output current (Ipv) and output voltage (Vpv) are passed through a first order low pass filter with a magnitude of G = 1 and a time constant of T = 0.01 seconds in order to filter out the high frequency components or harmonics from these signals as shown in Fig. 5 and Fig. 6. The filtered current and voltage signals (Ipv_F and Vpv_F) are then fed into the MPPT control block that uses the Incremental Conductance Tracking Algorithm. An algorithm that is based on the fact the slope of the PV array power curve shown in Fig. 7 is zero at the Maximum Power Point (MPP), positive on the left of the MPP, and negative on the right. The MPP can thus be tracked by comparing the instantaneous conductance (I/V) to the incremental conductance (∆ I/∆ V) [11] as in (1):
    2013-07-23 17:56:06下载
  • noRCM
    RD算法目标仿真 分别为点目标回波起始和结束时的采样点(RD target simulation algorithm)
    2014-08-15 19:48:04下载
  • sovadec
    SOVA algorithm for turbo decoder
    2012-01-19 15:18:52下载
  • SimulationofCDMATransitterAndReceiverinMatlab
    matlab中的关于CDMA接收和发射的部分simulink(Simulation of CDMA Transmitter And Receiver in Matlab)
    2009-09-17 09:12:17下载
    精通Matlab教程,内容详细,每个命令有详细讲解和代码示例(Proficient in Matlab tutorials, detailed, each command has the detailed explanation and code examples)
    2012-12-29 14:59:49下载
  • programme
    基于matlab GUI的传输线上不同负载时对应的波形图( Matlab GUI-based transmission line load corresponding to the different waveforms )
    2011-12-08 09:39:01下载
  • 混合动力动态规划
    说明:  动态规划混合动力汽车模式切换程序,附带工况。(Dynamic programming of hybrid electric vehicle mode switching program, with working conditions.)
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