首页 » matlab » chap6_01_VB_PID_Control


于 2012-08-13 发布 文件大小:11KB
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  在网上找到的代码 在网上那个找到的系统辨识与自适应控制程序 大家分享(Online to find the code online that found in the system identification and adaptive control procedures to share)



0 个回复

  • matlabxiaobofenxigaojijishudequanbuyuanma
    说明:  matlab小波分析高级技术的全面源码,与大家分享。(the whole source code of the book <<The high technique of Wavelet Analysis based on Matlab>>)
    2010-03-26 09:15:09下载
  • OFDM
    basic OFDM model using simulink. This will evaluate the BER performance of OFDM of IEEE802.16 architecture. This simulation uses multipath fading channel
    2011-11-09 08:53:22下载
  • code
    confun fundamental code
    2012-09-13 05:47:50下载
  • DSP_pithshifter.m
    這是一個讓原始音訊可以再不改變音訊長度下,改變pitch的程式,因為如果音訊用resample,雖然可改變其音訊頻率音高,但是卻會有拉長音訊的副作用,因此設計了一個可以改善其缺點的小方法(實做paper )(This is an original audio so that you can no longer change the audio down the length of the program to change the pitch because if the audio with resample, although it can change the pitch of the audio frequency, but the audio will be stretched side effects, and thus can improve the design of a small way shortcomings (real do paper))
    2014-01-07 23:05:03下载
  • vbdiaoyo32
    介绍了作为开发软件的重要工具Visual Basic和MATLAB的发展情况,论述了利用Visual Basic 6.0中的ActiveX技术调用MATLAB的计算引擎,给出了Visual Basic和MATLAB联合开发的方法,使MATLAB 能在VB环境下运行,实现了VB的可视... (Introduced as an important tool for the development of software development in Visual Basic and MATLAB, discusses the use of Visual Basic 6.0 ActiveX technology to call MATLAB computational engine, Visual Basic and methods are given jointly developed MATLAB, MATLAB can make the environment in VB run to achieve a combination of VB and MATLAB visualization interface powerful numerical analysis capabilities, to play their respective advantages. text with a simple example illustrates the use of MATLAB software can enable the production of more sophisticated applications.)
    2014-01-19 16:46:42下载
    关于自适应滤波,均衡算法的几个M程序,采用的算法分别是LMS,NLMS,RLS等等(several matlab programs are about adaptive filter and equalization for communication system. The algorithm is LMS, NLMS and RLS.)
    2014-02-16 21:58:00下载
  • pso1
    基于粒子群算法的电力系统负荷分配问题(1)数学模型: 以IEEE 3机6节点为工况模型 ,Load=850MW (2)目标函数: minF=∑(i=1,Ng)Fi(PGi),Fi(PGi) =aiPi2+biPi+ci+Ei,考虑阀点(Valve-Point)效应 (3)约束条件: a.发电机组输出功率上下限约束,即PGi min<=PGi<= PGimax; b.电力负荷平衡约束,忽略网损,即∑(i=1,Ng)(PGi)= PGD(Based on particle swarm optimization of power system load allocation problem)
    2021-04-22 10:48:48下载
  • dlb_lqr11
    一级倒立摆系统采用最优控制的方法,改变状态增益系数K,最后使系统达到平衡。(Inverted pendulum system using optimal control methods to alter the state of the gain coefficient K, the last to make the system balanced.)
    2010-09-30 21:32:21下载
  • music
    第四代移动通信music算法,是我很辛苦才弄出来的。希望可以喝大家交流(Fourth-generation mobile communication music algorithm, it is very hard to get me out. Hope that we can drink to facilitate the exchange of)
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  • series4
    exercice for matlab machine learning
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