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于 2013-03-09 发布 文件大小:2243KB
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  本书包含的实例所使用的源程序清单,文件夹第3章~第7章分别包括各章节内的实例源程序。2.源程序文件名与所在章节和实例序号对应,如:3_1.m为第三章实例一【例3_1】的源程序。3.文件夹tftoolbox为2002版的时频工具箱,第六章“非平稳信号分析与处理”需要用到该工具箱的部分函数。请将其拷贝到用户的MATLAB工作路径(如D:R2006awork) 4.各章节的M文件已在MATLAB R2006a环境下调试通过,拷贝到用户的MATLAB工作路径(如D:R2006awork)下即可运行。 (The book contains examples of the use of the source list folder ~ Chapter 3, Chapter 7, including instances of source code within each chapter. The source file name corresponding to the chapters and instances where number: 3_1.m Chapter instance Example 3_1] source. Folder tftoolbox for the 2002 edition when the frequency toolbox, Chapter VI " non-stationary signal analysis and processing" part of the function of the need to use the toolbox. Please copy it to the MATLAB path (such as D: R2006a work) chapter M-file in MATLAB R2006a environment through debugging, copied to the user' s the MATLAB working path (such as D: R2006a work ) to run under.)





0 个回复

  • pldacode
    基于Probabilistic Linear Discriminant Analysis的人脸识别matlab源码(matlab code for probabilistic linear discriminant analysis applied to face recognition)
    2020-06-29 08:20:02下载
  • kalman
    实现了1D,2D,3D空间自由度下的运动参数的扩展Kalman滤波算法,文章2008 IROS Visual SLAM for 3D Large-Scale Seabed Acquisition Employing Underwater Vehicles的具体实现。(a novel technique to align partial 3D reconstructions of the seabed acquired by a stereo camera mounted on an autonomous underwater vehicle. Vehicle localization and seabed mapping is performed simultaneously by means of an Extended Kalman Filter. Passive landmarks are detected on the images and characterized considering 2D and 3D features. Landmarks are re-observed while the robot is navigating and data association becomes easier but robust. Once the survey is completed, vehicle trajectory is smoothed by a Rauch-Tung-Striebel filter obtaining an even better alignment of the 3D views and yet a large-scale acquisition of the seabed.)
    2009-12-23 14:41:30下载
  • wedgelet
    matlab小波分析中脊波变换的源码,关于图象去躁,重构等等的。里面还有一篇论文大家可以参考参考!(matlab wavelet analysis ridgelet transform the source, on the image to impatient and remodeling and so on. There is also a paper everyone can refer to reference!)
    2007-09-05 14:03:15下载
  • matlabPROGRAM
    关于语音识别的Matlab程序,包括Matlab下的work里面所有的东西(Matlab on the speech recognition process, including work under Matlab everything inside)
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    这是一款模拟心跳的开发程序,一颗硕大的红心,带着砰砰跳动的声音。。。(This is the heart of the development of a simulation program, a huge heart, beating with a pop sound. . .)
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    用Matlab实现复杂网络度分布的计算。(Matlab realization of complex networks with degree distribution calculations.)
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  • chaojishihzong
    超级时钟的程序,值得收藏,很经典的,用C语言编写,运行可靠!(Super-clock program, worthy of collection, very classic, with the C language, and reliable operation!)
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