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  对adc采样信号进行频谱分析,计算信噪比,有效位数等等重要参数(Adc sampling signal for spectrum analysis, calculate SNR, the effective number of bits so the important parameters)



0 个回复

  • ypso
    说明:  粒子群优化算法的基本思想是通过群体中个体之间的协作和信息共享来寻找最优解.(Particle swarm optimization algorithm based on the idea that groups of individuals through collaboration and information sharing to find the optimal solution.)
    2008-09-27 17:22:18下载
  • fpica
    本程序是快速独立成分分析算法中需要调用的一个很重的子程序。(This procedure is fast independent component analysis algorithms need to call a heavy subroutine.)
    2013-09-22 10:15:59下载
  • Seg-Entropy5
    基于C++和Matlab的图像分割和清晰度评价函数。采用图像信息熵来作为清晰度评价函数。(C++ and Matlab-based image segmentation and definition evaluation function. Using image information entropy as the sharpness function.)
    2010-06-01 16:43:49下载
  • optimal-feedback-controller
    Optimal output feedback controller
    2012-10-10 01:35:29下载
  • CompareStdBases
    compare basis Function for wavelet processing
    2013-05-09 02:40:36下载
  • Synchronousmotor
    用matlab做直流电机的仿真,查看电机性能。欢迎大家下载查看,并提出意见(DC motor using matlab to do the simulation, view the motor performance. Welcome to download to view and give their views)
    2009-05-05 20:44:32下载
  • dituirfm
    该函数是用限定记忆法进行最小二乘法辨识。得到系统的参数。(This function is limited memory method of least squares identification method. Get the system parameters.)
    2010-03-13 10:22:30下载
  • SDPT3-4.0
    求解最优化问题里的半定规划问题(SDP)经典并且十分有效的MATLAB程序包(a very efficient package for solving semi-definite programming)
    2013-10-14 20:47:02下载
  • YALMIP_Wiki_Examples_Unit_Commitment
    A classical problem in scheduling and integer programming is the unit commitment problem. In this problem, our task is to turn on and off power generating plants, in order to meet a forecasted future power demand, while minimizing our costs. We have several different power plants with different characteristics and running costs, and various constraints on how they can be used. We will start with a very simple model, and then expand this model with more advanced features. To make the code easy to read, we will write it in a verbose non-vectorized format
    2015-01-16 04:05:11下载
  • lbfgs
    This submission contains an interface to a LBFGS-code for unconstrained minimization problems of the form min_{x} f(x) + c*| ilde{x}|, where x are the parameters, f is a scalar valued real function, c is a positive scalar (default value=0), |.| denotes the 1-norm, and ilde{x} is some subset of the parameters x.
    2011-12-24 15:17:00下载
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