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  对WCDMA PCCPCH信道信号进行解码,输入是IQ空口信号,本程序会完成信号的解码直至CRC校验(Decode WCDMA PCCPCH channel. The input signal is air interface signal, the program will run until the CRC)



0 个回复

  • statistical_fuctions
    统计量计算程序,用来分析计算信号的各种统计量(statistical analysis)
    2010-08-06 11:38:18下载
  • DVB_T_tongbu_new
    DVB-T 2k模式定时估计Matlab仿真。包括导频和TPS插入,瑞利多径信道衰减,高斯噪声加入。 定时估计的粗定时用极大似然法,利用循环前缀特征,不需要专门训练序列。细定时用分散导频。首先确定导频模式,再通过相邻导频相关确定定时偏差。此方法适用于瑞利多径信道,高斯信道,也适用于莱斯多径信道。(DVB-T 2k timing estimation.)
    2015-02-06 23:58:59下载
  • 五种时频分析方法Time_frequency-analysis
    总结了五中时频分析方法(STFT,Gabor,WVD,PWVD,SPWVD),并对个别方法进行了对比。每条程序都有详细的说明(Fifth summarized time-frequency analysis method (STFT, Gabor, WVD, PWVD, SPWVD), and the individual methods were compared. Each program has a detailed description)
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  • 异步电机电机最小二乘法参数辨识
    以定子电压和电流为输入,用最小二乘法对异步电机进行参数辨识,包括定子电阻,转子电阻,定子电感,定转子互感。(With the stator voltage and current as the input, the parameters of the induction motor are identified by the least square method, including stator resistance, rotor resistance, stator inductance, stator and rotor mutual inductance.)
    2017-07-28 11:32:21下载
  • Higher-Order_Spectral_Analysis_(HOSA)_Toolbox
    《高阶谱分析》源代码,包括高阶谱的计算,谱分析,模拟,等等(Higher-Order Spectral Analysis (HOSA) Toolbox)
    2010-08-14 10:53:20下载
  • signal_procesing_user
    数字信号处理课程设计基于matlab 文件内容 (Digital signal processing matlab file contents based on course design)
    2011-02-01 13:23:31下载
  • floyd
    matlab源程序 很有用的 你们可以试用一下(matlab source code useful you can try)
    2012-07-18 21:56:35下载
  • monitor
    打开摄像并进行照相eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) If Enable == on , s on mouse press in 5 pixel border. Otherwise, s on mouse press in 5 pixel border or over text3. (The JPG file RGB value is displayed in the txt documenteventdata reserved- to be defined in a future version of MATLAB handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) If Enable == on , s on mouse press in 5 pixel border. Otherwise, s on mouse press in 5 pixel border or over text3. )
    2015-01-01 16:46:42下载
  • rythreshold
    说明:  小波阈值去噪的软硬阈值去噪算法,里面包含了软硬阈值不同的去噪效果,大家一起学习哈(Hard and soft wavelet threshold denoising threshold denoising algorithm, which includes hard and soft threshold denoising different effects, we will study together and Kazakhstan)
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  • diversity
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    2010-05-19 09:49:58下载
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