拉丁超立方抽样,调用方式如下:S=lhs(m,dist,mu,sigma,lowb,upb) m: a scalar,the number of sample points dist: A row with distribution type flags of basic random variables the value of the flag can be 1 (for uniform distribution, 2(for normal distribution), 3(for lognormal) and 4(for extreme type 1). mu: A row vector comprising the mean value of basic random variables. sigma: A row vector with its length equaligng to mu,including the standard deviation of basic random variables. lowb: a row vector with its elements are the lower bound of the sampling interval upb:a row vector with its elements are the upper bounds of the sampling interval dist,mu,sigma,lowb,upb must have the same length. Output argument S: sampling point matrix, of which each row is a sampling point.(code of Latin Hypercube Sampling)