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于 2014-10-11 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  feature selection for high dimensional data classification



0 个回复

  • AGuidetoMATLABforBeginnersandExperiencedUsers
    A Guide to MATLAB for Beginners and Experienced Users - Hunt Lipsman & Rosenberg(A Guide to MATLAB for Beginners and Experienced Users- Hunt Lipsman & Rosenberg)
    2009-09-10 02:38:45下载
  • sph1
    The smooth particle hydrodynamics (SPH), the diffuse element method (DEM), the element-free Galerkin method (EFGM), the reproducing kernel particle method (RKPM), the moving-particle semi-implicit method (MPS) are among others. However, it seems that these meshless methods have not succeeded in replacing the FEM analysis completely, while they show excellent performance in several special fields.
    2010-07-30 02:18:10下载
  • ibp
    Included in this distribution is matlab code to generate posterior samples for linear Gaussian and binary matrix factorization (noisy-or) Indian Buffet Process models. Three different posterior sampling algorithms are provided: Gibbs, reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo (RJMCMC), and sequential importance sampling (SIS). Only the Gibbs and SIS samplers are provided for the linear Gaussian IBP models.
    2014-11-07 05:31:42下载
  • ExtractBackground
    he files in this package comprise the Matlab implementation of a foreground segmentation algorithm based upon graph cuts, described in: Better Foreground Segmentation Through Graph Cuts, N. Howe & A. Deschamps. Tech report, http://arxiv.org/abs/cs.CV/0401017. The file extractForeground.m contains a sample function that will perform a complete foreground segmentation for static camera video. It uses a number of parameters, which are described in the documentation. An attempt was made to choose sensible default values, but they may need to be adjusted for some videos. More generally, the implementation in extractForeground.m is only a suggestion of how the graph-based segmentation might be used. The same approach can be applied with other (perhaps time-adaptive) background models. The key step is at line 113 of the code, once the deviation array has been created. The graph-cut segmentation can be applied similarly to a deviation matrix computed in any other way.
    2013-11-19 23:41:02下载
  • low-frequency-oscillation--analysis
    加窗的prony方法,实现低频振荡非平稳信号特征量提取(The windowed prony nonstationary signal characteristics amount of low-frequency oscillation extract)
    2012-11-04 19:34:09下载
  • P4-1
    传算法(Genetic Algorithm)是一类借鉴生物界的进化规律(适者生存,优胜劣汰遗传机制)演化而来的随机化搜索方法。它是由美国的J.Holland教授1975年首先提出,其主要特点是直接对结构对象进行操作,不存在求导和函数连续性的限定;具有内在的隐并行性和更好的全局寻优能力;采用概率化的寻优方法,能自动获取和指导优化的搜索空间,自适应地调整搜索方向,不需要确定的规则。遗传算法的这些性质,已被人们广泛地应用于组合优化、机器学习、信号处理、自适应控制和人工生命等领域。它是现代有关智能计算中的关键技术(Propagation algorithm (Genetic Algorithm) is a law of evolution in biology class reference (survival of the fittest, survival of the fittest genetic mechanisms) randomized search method evolved. It was first proposed by the United States J.Holland professor in 1975, and its main feature is to operate directly on the structure of the object, the continuity of the derivative and the function limitation does not exist with global implicit parallelism inherent and better optimization capability the use of probabilistic optimization method that can automatically obtain and guidance to optimize the search space adaptively adjust the search direction, the rule does not require determined. The nature of the genetic algorithm, has been widely used in combinatorial optimization, machine learning, signal processing fields, such as adaptive control and artificial life. It is about smart modern computing key technologies)
    2014-02-08 09:18:38下载
  • Ybusmatrix
    admittance matrix caluculation for load flow analysis universal applicable to any no. of nodes
    2021-03-26 05:59:13下载
  • MPC
    里面包括几部分预测控制程序,程序本人都验证过,没有错误。(Includes several parts predictive control program, the program are verified, there is no error.)
    2015-10-31 12:32:19下载
  • wind_pmsg-turbin
    风机建模。在matlab的simulink环境下,对永磁同步风机进行了建模。(Fans modeling. In the simulink matlab environment, the permanent magnet synchronous wind turbine is modeled.)
    2016-01-28 22:54:12下载
  • MMC
    实现MMC的三相闭环控制和尖锐脉冲去除源代码(Realization of three-phase closed-loop control of MMC and source code removal of sharp pulse)
    2019-04-15 16:11:05下载
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