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于 2014-10-11 发布 文件大小:1201KB
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  Regulation of DC voltage with solar panel



0 个回复

  • four Toolbox for SVM
    这里实现了基于四种SVM工具箱的分类与回归算法: 1、工具箱:LS_SVMlab Classification_LS_SVMlab.m - 多类分类 Regression_LS_SVMlab.m - 函数拟合 2、工具箱:OSU_SVM3.00 Classification_OSU_SVM.m - 多类分类 3、工具箱:stprtoolsvm Classification_stprtool.m - 多类分类 4、工具箱:SVM_SteveGunn Classification_SVM_SteveGunn.m - 二类分类 Regression_SVM_SteveGunn.m - 函数拟合 更详细的相关函数说明请通过help命令查看!(Here the realization of the four SVM toolbox based on the classification and regression algorithm: 1, Toolbox: LS_SVMlabClassification_LS_SVMlab.m- Multiclass Classification Regression_LS_SVMlab.m- function fitting 2, the toolbox: OSU_SVM3.00Classification_OSU_SVM.m- Multiclass Classification 3, Toolbox: stprtoolsvmClassification_stprtool.m- Multiclass Classification 4 toolbox: SVM_SteveGunnClassification_SVM_SteveGunn.m- II Category Regression_SVM_SteveGunn.m- function fitting a more detailed explanation of the correlation function through the help command to view!)
    2007-12-19 10:42:24下载
  • splitter
    一个小程序,用于分割GPS信号,很实用,可以试试。(A small program used to separate GPS signals, it is practical, you can try.)
    2010-11-30 10:38:40下载
  • project
    以“一主三从”主从多机通信系统为物理模型,研究应用马尔可夫链建立仿真算法及蒙特卡洛法建立了数学模型,通过将完整的系统元件化,并对每个元件创立各自的状态转移机模型,仿真运行状态,实现了对于这一通信系统的可靠性建模评估。(" One the main three from the" master-slave multi-communication system for the physical model to study the application of Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation algorithm and the mathematical model established through the will of a complete system components, and the creation of each component their respective state transition model, the simulation run, and the realization of a communication system for the assessment of the reliability of modeling.)
    2009-05-29 17:22:08下载
  • EMDs
    emd源程序的工具包,只要编写主程序调用即可,非常经典(emd source toolkit, just write the main program calls can be very classic)
    2014-12-02 19:44:19下载
  • Hilbert-Huang-Transform
    信号的希尔伯特-黄变换,IMF分解,对IMF进行Hilbert处理,绘制二维/三维时-频图,时间-能量图(瞬时能量谱) ,频率-能量图(希尔伯特谱)(Hilbert signals- Huang Transform, IMF decomposition of the IMF Hilbert processing, rendering 2D/3D time- frequency diagram, time- energy (instantaneous energy spectrum), the frequency- energy (Hilbert spectrum))
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  • wgn
    用matlab仿真出加性高斯白噪声,及其技术(Matlab simulation using the additive white Gaussian noise, and its technology)
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  • WebAutomaticTextClassificationTechnologyResearch
    Web自动文本分类技术研究综述 基于WEB的文本分类技术论文(Web Research on automatic text classification techniques for text classification based on technical papers WEB)
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  • Experiment4
    对图像进行Huffman编码并计算其压缩比(Huffman coding of images and calculate the compression ratio)
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