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于 2011-10-09 发布 文件大小:7KB
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  用C++来实现NEWTON迭代法解非线性方程算法数值分析,是数值分析里典型的一个算法。(In C++ to achieve NEWTON iterative numerical algorithm for solving nonlinear equations, numerical analysis is in a typical algorithm.)



0 个回复

  • shuzhifenxi
    数值计算各算法的程序,包括:牛顿迭代法,超松驰迭代法,微分法等.对于初学数值分析这门课程的人有很大的帮助.(Numerical calculation procedure of the algorithm, including: Newton iteration, ultra-relaxation iteration method, differential method and so on. Beginner numerical analysis for this course were very helpful.)
    2008-01-24 14:50:44下载
  • Program
    利用表达式求解和栈的只是,设计一个简易的数学题库, 可供小学生作业,并能给出分数。 要求:建立试题库文件,随机产生 n 个题目;题目涉及加减乘除,带括弧的混合运算;随时可以退出;保留历史分数,能回顾历史,给出与历史分数比较后的评价。(Use solving expressions and stack just design a simple math exam, students for the job, and can give a score. Requirements: Create test file, randomly generating n topics topics involving addition, subtraction with parentheses mixing operation ready to quit keep historical scores, can look back at history, and history is given uation scores after comparison.)
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  • defin_heat_flux
    它是一个计算热通量的c++程序,用udf导入fluent,既可以求解,非常好用的一个,可以作为入门的一个例子学习。(it is a calculated heat flux of c++ program, with udf into fluent, not only can solve, very easy to use one, can be used as a case study entry.)
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  • Program
    矩阵转换问题 行与列的个数均为n 的矩阵称为n 阶方阵。假定矩阵中的每个元素的值在0到9之间,则可以将矩阵中的所有元素按行依次排列得到一个“单行矩阵字符串”。(Matrix conversion, the number of rows and columns of the matrix n are called n-order square. Assume that each element of matrix value in the 0 to 9, you can press all the elements of the matrix rows in order of priority for a " single matrix string." )
    2010-12-28 11:42:08下载
  • berth_quay10_8
    用于解决港口优化调度的算例,程序可解,且富有详细说明(The optimal scheduling algorithm used to solve the port, the program is solvable, and rich detailed instructions)
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    说明:  几种模幂算法,有传统模幂,SMM模幂,基于2的K次方的模幂和最一般的模幂算法,还有为这些模幂算法建立的WINDOWS对话框。可以方便的运行。(algorithm, the traditional mode power, SMM Modular Power, Based on two of the K-th power module and the most common mode power algorithm, These modules also for the establishment of the algorithm Power Windows dialog box. To facilitate the operation.)
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