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  Cognitive Radio Communications and Networks Principles and Practice Edited by Alexander M. Wyglinski, Ph.D., Worcester Polytechnic Institute Maziar Nekovee, Ph.D., BT Research and University College London Y. Thomas Hou, Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University



0 个回复

  • leach_for_wireless_network
    无线传感器网络中应用leach算法来识别恶意节点和剔除恶意节点。从而保证网络系统的寿命最长。(In wireless sensor network,cluster algorithm of nodes is all effective approach and key technology to implement energy saving and flexible management.To improve security and lifetime of clustering network,a secure clustering was pro— posed based on the random and parallel cluster header election algorithm and pre—distributed key scheme.In hypothetical network model,it can elect the cluster header nodes and identify and get rid of malicious nodes,and in data telecommuni— cations,the communication security Can be achieved by using encryption algorithm and thus the network lifetime Call be prolonged.)
    2010-05-14 15:52:16下载
  • BPSK2
    本程序是自己写的,经过验证的,瑞利衰落信道下的BPSK信号仿真(This program is written in their own, after verification, simulation of BPSK signals in Rayleigh fading channels)
    2013-12-17 16:46:10下载
  • The-frequencies-and-mode-shapes
    通过简短的matlab程序,实现对二维悬臂梁的固有频率和振型计算。(The frequencies and mode shapes of the 2D cantilever beam)
    2014-04-19 12:38:40下载
  • MIMRF-master
    说明:  每个传感器具有一定的范围和精度,而且周围环境可能对它们产生干扰。即单传感器只能提供部分不精确的信息,从而不能排除对外界环境描述的歧义性。鉴于各传感器性能上的差异表现出的互补性,如果综合各个传感器的信息,就能得到比单一传感器所能提供的更准确可靠的信息。简言之,与单一传感器相比,多传感器数据融合由于信息的冗余性和互补性存在很多方面的优势。 多传感器融合(Each sensor has a certain range and accuracy, and the surrounding environment may interfere with them. That is to say, a single sensor can only provide some inaccurate information, so it can not rule out the ambiguity of the description of the external environment. In view of the complementarity of the differences in the performance of each sensor, if we synthesize the information of each sensor, we can get more accurate and reliable information than a single sensor can provide. In short, compared with a single sensor, multi-sensor data fusion has many advantages due to the redundancy and complementarity of information.)
    2021-03-27 10:59:12下载
  • mm1
    说明:  M\M\1排队模型(1)可计算用户到达数量与用户离开数量,实际值与理论值的仿真对比(M\M\1 Queuing model(1))
    2011-04-16 21:46:06下载
  • Minh-Do--Contourlet-toolbox
    Minh Do《Contourlet toolbox》(Contourlet变换影像处理工具箱)(Minh Do《Contourlet toolbox》)
    2013-09-21 00:38:22下载
  • roommap
    扫地机器人的一种路径规划算法,内螺旋法,首先构建了房间地图,然后遍历了房间。(A path planning algorithm sweeping robot, spiral method, first built room map, then traverse the room.)
    2021-03-08 10:59:28下载
  • s
    说明:  用S变换法对电离层对海杂波的污染进行校正(S transform with the pollution of the ionospheric correction sea clutter)
    2014-05-14 19:31:15下载
  • gauss-seidel
    gauss-seidel算法实现对方程组的求解(gauss-seidel algorithm for the equations)
    2007-12-04 08:39:52下载
  • fdtd1D
    一维fdtdMATLAB程序,主要用于处理问题电磁场(FdtdMATLAB one-dimensional process, is mainly used to deal with the issue of electromagnetic fields)
    2009-04-13 15:16:50下载
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