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于 2011-10-08 发布 文件大小:32KB
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  改进的matlab取点求职的方法,很好用的,共享下(Improved access point matlab job search methods, the good, to share the)



0 个回复

  • Nhan_dang_vat_the
    Nhan dang chuyen dong.
    2012-02-06 05:41:46下载
  • rs_encode
    RS码编码的源代码,直接复制出来粘贴在新建工程即可用(RS coding source code, paste copied directly out ready for use in new construction)
    2013-11-15 10:05:25下载
  • mJPEGzipa
    matlab编程实现现JPEG的压缩和编码 (matlab programming now JPEG compression and coding)
    2012-09-15 14:17:53下载
  • psoVC
    pso程序的源代码 pso程序的源代码-粒子群优化算法源程序 作者:FashionXu 一个pso程序的源代码。在vc.net2003下面通过。 建议:看代码之前,请先弄明白pso是怎么回事。然后请对应着来:程序中用Agent代表一只鸟,PSO代表鸟群。阅读源代码,不要顺着看,先看main(),然后按照出现的东西的顺序,一个一个得来,呵呵,纯粹是建议。(program s source code pso pso program s source code - source code on Particle Swarm Optimization: FashionXu a pso program source code. In vc.net2003 following through. Recommendation: look at the code before you figure out how the matter pso. Then please correspond to: Program using Agent on behalf of a bird, PSO representative of the flock. Read the source code, do not look down, look at the main (), then follow the order of things there, one by one, come, Oh, merely suggestions.)
    2008-07-30 16:26:10下载
  • 强主动声纳信号干扰被动声探测的仿真分析 rev4
    强主动声纳信号干扰被动声探测的仿真分析.被动声探测是探测和跟踪水中噪声目标的重要手段,但强主动声纳信号的出现将对被动声探测产生很强的干扰作用,影响被动声纳对噪声目标的检测或跟踪。本文通过计算机仿真,分析被动声纳的积分时间、强主动声纳信号的强度、脉冲宽度和发射周期四个因素对强主动声纳信号干扰被动声探测程度的影响。(Simulation analysis of passive acoustic detection of a strong active sonar signal interference passive acoustic detection is an important means to detect and track water noise goals, but the emergence of strong active sonar signal will be passive acoustic detection generate strong interference effect, the impact of passive acoustic satisfied noise target detection or tracking. This paper through computer simulation, and analysis of the four factors of the integration time of the passive sonar, a strong active sonar signal intensity, pulse width, and launch cycle impact of passive acoustic detection of a strong active sonar signal interference.)
    2012-08-21 21:06:06下载
  • Matlab_Path_Planning
    基于栅格法的路径规划算法实现(Matlab环境下)(Grid method is based path planning algorithm (Matlab environment))
    2012-12-30 13:34:40下载
  • shuzituxiang
    这是一个数字图像处理的matlab仿真程序,效果比较好(This is a digital image processing matlab simulation program, the effect is better)
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  • cma-8psk
    说明:  关于8psk的用星座图检验结果的matlab仿真程序(Constellation on the 8psk of test results with matlab simulation program)
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  • C--CPP-programmers-reference
    This guide reviews the rules and syntax of the principle commands that comprise C and its object-oriented cousin, C++. The reference consists of 19 chapters that define operators and the standard input/output, string, character, and more.
    2015-01-31 22:59:58下载
  • diancichang
    中北大学电磁场电磁波课后题答案,很详细的(North University of electromagnetic waves after-school question answers, a very detailed)
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