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于 2013-03-05 发布 文件大小:8KB
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  park transformation using simulink blocks



0 个回复

  • Example_of_edge_detection_edge_linking_and_line_se
    这个matlab程序实现了Edge Linking and Line Segment Fitting,解压后直接运行demo.m就可以了 ( edgelink.m edge linking function that forms lists of connected edge points from a binary edge image. (Needs findendsjunctions and cleanedgelist below). drawedgelist.m plots out a set of edge lists generated by edgelink or lineseg. edgelist2image.m transfers edgelist data back into a 2D image array. lineseg.m forms straight line segments fitted with a specified tolerance to the lists of connected edge points. maxlinedev.m is also used by lineseg.m to calculate deviations of the edge lists from the fitted segments. findendsjunctions.m finds line junctions and endings in a line/edge image. cleanedgelist.m cleans up a set of edge lists generated by edgelink or lineseg so that isolated edges and spurs that are shorter than a minimum length are removed.)
    2010-07-14 12:04:33下载
  • Levin-Campello
    Levin Campello s Method for margin-adaptive Margin Adaptive LC (function [gn,En,bn,b_bar_check,margin]=DMTLCma(P,SNRrcvr,Ex_bar,b_bar,N,gap))
    2020-11-12 02:49:44下载
  • emd
    一个完整的EMD分解程序,希望能够帮助那些需要EMD的人(EMD decomposition of a complete program, hoping to help those who need EMD)
    2011-07-27 09:53:30下载
  • tsiay
    QAM Modulation
    2011-09-23 16:39:43下载
  • mohuPIDFIS
    此为机器人模糊控制中的模糊控制规则,在模糊控制中加入此模糊控制规则,可得到仿真(This is the robot fuzzy control fuzzy control rules, fuzzy control fuzzy control rules by adding this can be obtained simulation)
    2013-09-30 11:08:52下载
  • WTLS_fitting
    基于加权整体最小二乘迭代算法,利用井壁同一截面特征点坐标序列,拟合煤矿井筒圆心的坐标序列和半径,监测竖井变形情况(Overall weighted least-squares iterative algorithm, using the same sequence of the wall section feature point coordinates, the coordinates of the center of mine shaft fitting sequence and radius shaft deformation monitoring)
    2014-12-11 21:07:40下载
  • DOA-estimation-QSS-KR-subspace
    DOA 估计 在循环平稳下通过 khatri-Rao product 子空间拟合(DOA estimation via quasi-stationary KR product)
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  • Maintaining Continuous ZVS Operation of a Dual
    Imformation about DAB
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  • Optical_Character_Recognition
    This matlab code uses for recognition the characters
    2011-08-06 19:05:24下载
  • clickandgetimageblock
    用guide编的matlab界面,可以点击图像任意位置截取一小块(Guide prepared by the matlab interface, you can click the image anywhere on the interception of a small piece of)
    2008-04-30 10:52:00下载
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