首页 » Visual C++ » CPP-Primer(version-4)-answer


于 2011-10-07 发布 文件大小:5765KB
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  C++ primer 第四版课后答案,详细的给出了教材课后习题的答案(the book give the answer of C++ primer (version 4))



0 个回复

  • VC_example
    VC++ 程序设计 基本程序 适用于初学者(VC programmer)
    2011-08-04 14:12:09下载
  • VB_Programa
    对VB初学者很有用的例子,可以下载学习,(Very useful for beginners VB example, you can download the study,)
    2011-01-21 10:36:52下载
  • ThreadPriority
    线程优先级示例-赛马ThreadPriority,很不错的vc源码,希望能对大家有所帮助(Thread Priority Example- Jockey ThreadPriority, very good vc source code, I hope you can help)
    2011-09-02 06:27:36下载
  • bmpshow
    打开bmp文件的图像,并对图像做相关处理,如滤波,变换等.(Bmp file to open the image, and image-related deal to do, such as filtering, transformation and so on.)
    2008-07-28 18:43:19下载
  • GetNetSetting
    get your host net setting
    2012-10-25 12:48:22下载
  • 20171204
    日常基本练习,开关灯实现,蛇形输出,竖式输出(Daily basic exercises, switch lights, serpentine output)
    2017-12-16 13:37:23下载
  • gjwsy
    通过串口读取GPS的信息,并解析信息,显示经纬度以及其他的一些主要值,并将该经纬度值转化成大地坐标值(Read through the serial port GPS information and analysis information to display latitude and longitude as well as some other major value, and the latitude and longitude values converted to geodetic coordinates)
    2016-07-15 17:09:46下载
  • disable_alt_tab
    Disable alt-tab组合键(Disalbe alt-tab combined key)
    2020-07-01 00:40:02下载
  • VCcode
    孙鑫VC视频教程中的所有源代码,都可以运行,对初学者能起到更好地理解VC并入门。(all the VC source codes of sunxin in his video lessions, which could be very useful to the new leaner.)
    2010-08-24 09:36:21下载
  • MFC
    (1)定义一个抽象基类Shape,同它派生出5个类:圆、正方形、矩形、梯形、三角形。 (2)利用虚函数计算几种图形面积。 (3)演示构造函数、复制构造函数、析构函数的作用和调用顺序 (4)用类模板具体实现。 (5)利用MFC类库在图形用户界面上绘制及修改这些图形,采用对话框输入输出图形的基本属性,或者利用运算符重载输入输出图形的基本属性。 (6)用文件保存图形信息,且能够从文件中读取并作相应处理。 2)创新要求: 采用头文件与源文件分离的方法,多态性的实现多样化(defines an abstract base class Shape, with which it derives five categories: round, square, rectangular, trapezoidal, triangular. (2) the use of virtual functions to calculate several graphics area. Effect (3) demonstrate the constructor, copy constructor and destructor call sequence (4) with a class template implementation. (5) The use of MFC library to draw and modify graphics, using the basic properties dialog input and output graphics, or the use of the basic properties of operator overloading the input and output graphics on the graphical user interface. (6) with the file save graphical information, and can be read a file and make the appropriate treatment. 2) Innovation requirements: Using the method header and source files separate polymorphism diversify )
    2020-11-04 14:29:52下载
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