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于 2011-10-06 发布 文件大小:379KB
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  实现原始的JPEG图片编解码,不借助任何的第三方库,纯C++。(To achieve the original JPEG image decoding, without using any third-party libraries, pure C++.)



0 个回复

  • xzjz
    本代码功能是将图像旋转任意角度,为进一步的图像处理做铺垫。(The code function is to rotate the image at any angle, laying the groundwork for further image processing.)
    2010-08-07 12:59:02下载
  • ShapeRecognition
    Shap Context based Shape recognition
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  • calication
    摄像标定法求T R矩阵的方法 摄像标定法求T R矩阵的方法 摄像标定法求T R矩阵的方法(how to calculate the matrix R and T using the Camera Calibration method)
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  • particlefilter
    粒子滤波器使用示例,用于跟踪效果好,用VC++实现(example of particle filter)
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  • cvpr01_zollei1109
    医学图像配准,医学图像2D_3D配准,基于vc++开发。(The registration of pre-operative volumetric datasets to intra-operative two-dimensional images provides an im- provedway of verifying patient positionandmedical instru- ment location. In applications from orthopedics to neuro- surgery, it has a great value in maintaining up-to-date in- formation about changes due to intervention. We propose a mutual information-based registration algorithm which es- tablishes the proper alignment via a stochastic gradient as- centstrategy. Ourmaincontributionliesinestimatingprob- ability density measures of image intensities with a sparse histogrammingmethodwhichcouldlead to potentialspeed- up over existing registration procedures and deriving the gradient estimates required by the maximization procedure. Experimental results are presented on fluoroscopy and CT datasets of a real skull, and on a CT-derived dataset of a real skull, a plastic skull and a plastic lumbar spine seg- ment.)
    2014-09-09 16:29:28下载
  • rotation-and-scaling
    对图像进行旋转和缩放的源代码,支持原图像的抽样处理及任意角度的旋转(The image rotation and scaling in any direction)
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  • function
    基于VC++的图像处理类,可以用于bmp文件的读写,显示(Based on the image processing VC++ classes that can be used to read and write bmp files, display)
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  • sonar-image-data
    硕士学位论文:在高分辨率成像声纳系统和回波测深仪的两个控制平台的基础上对声纳图像数据的高速显示技术的研究。文中所有的程序编写都是使用C和C++语言,在WindowsXP平台下利用VC++6.0进行编译和调试的。(study for high speed display technology on sonar image data)
    2012-05-02 07:37:04下载
  • CodeofOpenCV
    《OpenCV基础教程》于仕琪主编,书中所有源代码下载,基于OpenCV的图像处理技术(" OpenCV-based tutorial," in Shi Qi editor of the book to download all the source code, based on OpenCV image processing technology)
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  • Canny
    Canny边缘检测算法,已经试过,可以用。能较好的检测边缘。(Canny edge detection algorithm, has been tried, you can use. To better edge detection.)
    2010-09-28 14:42:46下载
  • 696518资源总数
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  • 15今日下载