首页 » Visual C++ » HHSUPA_SystemS


于 2012-08-05 发布 文件大小:547KB
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  用matlab软件对HSUPAA系统进行仿真,主要是调度算法之类 (Matlab software HSUPAA system simulation, is the class of scheduling algorithms)



0 个回复

  • MATLABEngine
    VC++中调用MATLAB引擎进行绘图完整源代码(VC++ graphics engine is called a complete MATLAB source code)
    2010-10-31 16:20:37下载
  • FPE
    说明:  按FPE定阶的 源程序:fpe.cpp M序列:M序列.txt 白噪声:Gauss.txt 程序中先用依模型阶次递推算法估计模型的参数,再用fpe方法判断模型的阶次。 程序运行结果如下: n: 1 判断阶次FPE的值: 0.0096406 -0.481665 1.07868 n: 2 判断阶次FPE的值: 0.00875755 -0.446739 0.00498181 1.07791 0.0527289 n: 3 判断阶次FPE的值: 0.0087098 -0.459433 0.120972 -0.0569228 1.07814 0.0390757 0.116982 n: 4 判断阶次FPE的值: 0.000396884 -0.509677 0.4501 -0.200906 0.0656188 1.07991 -0.0156362 0.442989 0.0497236 n: 5 判断阶次FPE的值: 3.2095e-007 -1.18415 0.813123 -0.517862 0.34881 -0.116864 1.07999 -0.744141 0.474462 -0.253112 0.122771 n: 6 判断阶次FPE的值: 3.23349e-007 -1.14659 0.76933 -0.487651 0.329676 -0.10377 -0.00440907 1.07999 -0.703574 0.447253 -0.235282 0.113587 0.00479688 从以上结果可以看出,当n=5时,fpe值最小,所以这时的模型阶次和参数估计值为最优结果: 3.2095e-007 -1.18415 0.813123 -0.517862 0.34881 -0.116864 1.07999 -0.744141 0.474462 -0.253112 0.122771(err)
    2008-09-12 01:14:14下载
  • llpcp
    lpc线性预测编码,合成与分析析,在matlab中实现-lpc (lpc linear predictive coding, synthesis and analysis of the analysis, in-lpc in Matlab)
    2012-07-30 00:55:13下载
  • MatlabInVC
    该程序教你如何在vc中调用matlab,包括使用心得(Teach you how to using matlab function in vc++)
    2013-03-24 14:49:45下载
  • CPPPrima
    Mathematic Pascal problems. it is a lil bit easy with a triangle structure. and the number inside.
    2009-03-17 21:26:58下载
  • Matlabebook
    Matlab详细手册 Matlab详细手册 Matlab详细手册()
    2007-09-06 15:28:41下载
  • Matlab_VC
    By analyzing characteristics of Matlab and Visual C++,the advantages of applying the Matlab and Visual C++ interface to develop application program is presented. On basis of comparing with the other interface methods ,the advantages and disadvantages of several common interfaces are studied,and the most functions provided by Matlab engine is proved to be comprehensive. An example showing the combination of Matlab and VC in image and data processing is proposed
    2010-08-04 05:31:37下载
  • circle
    利用双缓冲技术实现使得能用鼠标在桌面上轻松画取圆形,(The use of double-buffering technology makes the mouse can be used to easily draw on the desktop to take round,)
    2010-01-05 14:58:14下载
  • 显示bmp图像的
    640*480 256 色 .BMP 文件显示程序,可以浏览、同时显示 4 幅图象,也可以 在屏幕上开 一个窗口显示 .BMP 图象,并可以使用上下左右箭头键、PageUp/PageDown、Ctrl+Left、Ctr l+Right键浏览整幅图象,在S3、ATI等VGA卡上 调试通过(640* 480256 color. BMP file display program can browse, also showed four images on the screen can also open a window on the show. BMP images and can be used above and below the arrow keys, and Page/Prompt, Ctrl Left, Right keys Ctr l View the entire images in S3, ATI VGA cards such as debugging through)
    2005-03-31 15:30:24下载
  • digital_singal_process_using_matlab
    hi,this book very excelennt realy o.k
    2012-01-12 17:29:13下载
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