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于 2013-03-03 发布 文件大小:1534KB
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  三维点云法向量估计综述由于获取方便、表示简单、灵活等优势,点云逐渐成为常用的三维模型表示方法之一。法向量作为点云必不可少的属性 之一,其估计方法在点云处理中具有重要的位置。另一方面,由于点云获取过程中不可避免的噪声、误差和遮挡,点云中通常含 有噪声、外点和空洞,并且部分采样模型如CAD模型,也会存在尖锐特征,这些都给法向量估计提出了挑战。对当前已有的点云 法向量估计算法进行综述,分析其原理及关键技术,着重分析它们在处理噪声、外点和尖锐特征等方面的能力并给出比较,最后 为未来研究提供了一些建议(The three-dimensional point cloud normal vector estimation summarized obtain convenient, represents a simple, flexible, and becoming one of the methods commonly used three-dimensional model represents the point cloud. Normal vector of one of the as point clouds essential attributes, its estimation method has important position in the point cloud processing. On the other hand, the noise is inevitable in the process to obtain because of the point cloud, error and occlusion, point cloud typically contains noise outside point and empty, and part of the sampling model such as CAD models, there will still be sharp features, which gave the normal vector estimated that presents a challenge. Overview of current existing point cloud normal vector estimation algorithm, analysis of the principle and key technologies, and analyzed their ability to deal with the noise, the outer points and sharp features and gives comparison, and finally provide some suggestions for future research)



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  • JSP--E-T--GA
    针对带有交货期窗口硬约束,并对提前/拖期零件进行惩罚的一类作业车间调度问题,设计了一种改进型遗传算法EGA。交货期窗口硬约束是指每个零件均有交货期和deadline,零件可以在交货期后完工,但绝不能超出deadline。EGA采用“逆向后推”和“顺向前拉”相结合的两阶段求解策略。针对部分染色体在解码过程中违反交货期窗口硬约束而产生非法解的问题,采用基于关键路径的染色体修复方法来调整染色体基因序列,以期实现在满足交货期窗口硬约束的同时降低零件拖期成本;在保持第一调度阶段拖期成本不变的基础上,采用基于逆向重调度的目标值修订方法来延迟零件开工时间,以减小成品提前库存成本。(This paper deals with the job shop scheduling problem with due window to minimize the sum of weighted earliness and weighted tardiness of jobs. This due window is a time duration between the due date and the latest acceptable completion date, namely dealine, of a job. Penalties are incurred if jobs are completed within the due window and the illegal schedule will occur if one job is finished after its deadline. A new Enhanced Genetic Algorithm (EGA), based on a two phase schedule mechanism was introduced. To avoid the violations of due window constraint and simultaneously reduce tardiness costs, a chromosome repair method based on critical paths was designed to adjust chromogene sequence. Then, on keeping tardiness costs unchanged, an objective value revision method based on reverse rescheduling was put forward to delay job release date for reducing earliness costs introduced by each job. )
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