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于 2011-09-30 发布 文件大小:7190KB
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  altera原厂多层开发板 allegro 原理图+PCB(altera original multi-layer development board allegro schematic+ PCB)



0 个回复

  • PITE3980
    说明:  PITE3980蓄电池放电仪监测系统管理说明书,整个系统完全解释,欢迎下载交流。(PITE3980 battery discharge was monitored system management manual, the entire system is fully explained, please download the exchange.)
    2010-03-26 18:30:46下载
  • 3-perintah-perintah-lcd.tar
    wassssssss sssssss sssssssssssssssss sssssssssssss ssssssss
    2014-10-21 22:50:19下载
  • LDPC-file2013
    第四届中国卫星导航年会论文全文,有关LDPC编码在卫星导航中的应用。现在在CNKI等中文数据库,只能查看摘要,无全文!(Fourth annual meeting of China' s satellite navigation papers related LDPC coding applications in satellite navigation. Now CNKI databases such as Chinese, can only view the abstract, without the full text!)
    2014-02-26 00:03:22下载
  • PESQ
    关于pesq的一些论文,对我最近的一些研究帮助很大,希望对你们有用(some useful about the document of the pesq)
    2015-11-02 14:18:10下载
    针对DVB-T标准ETSI EN 300 744 V1.5.1,设计了可用于DVB-T接收整机的多速率DDC模块,并在FPGA中仿真实现.在复用数字振荡混频模块的基础上,根据输入信号的不同带宽(6M/8MHz)选择不同的抽取滤波器组完成抽取因子为3或4的多速率处理任务,利用两级半带滤波器(HBF)级联完成4倍抽取滤波,单级奈奎斯特滤波器完成3倍抽取滤波. (For the DVB-T standard ETSI EN 300 744 V1.5.1, designed for DVB-T receiver machine multi-rate DDC module, and the simulation in the FPGA implementation. Numerical oscillation in the complex mixer module, based on the input signals of different bandwidths (6M/8MHz) choose a different group of complete decimation filter extracted factor 3 or 4 of the multi-rate processing tasks, using two half-band filter (HBF) cascade to complete four times decimation filter, single-stage Chennai Nyquist filter to complete three times the decimation filtering.)
    2009-09-13 22:24:41下载
  • DSP-MP3
    dsp 课程设计基于DSP的MP3播放器设计. 文件 word 内包含了 项目介绍,dsp源码和电路图。(dsp course design word document contains a project description, dsp source code and circuit diagrams.)
    2020-07-03 12:40:02下载
  • 2005127172832951
    企业档案管理系统 概要设计说明书 需自行转化为doc文件(enterprise file management system outlined the need to design brochures into doc documents)
    2007-06-11 09:10:12下载
  • RF_power_amplifier_in_Digital_pre-distortion_techn
    说明:  射频功放数字预失真技术研究及其FPGA实现,文中介绍了数字预失真的实现架构,介绍了QRD_RLS算法实现的相关CORDIC技术,GIVENS旋转,以及systolic阵等原理(RF power amplifier digital pre-distortion technology and its FPGA implementation, this paper describes the realization of digital pre-distortion framework introduced QRD_RLS relevant CORDIC algorithm implementation techniques, GIVENS rotation, and other systolic array principles)
    2010-03-25 18:37:48下载
  • 基于Web的在线考试
    太原理工大学硕 士 学 位 论 文 基于Web 的在线考试系统 Online Testing System Based on Web(Taiyuan University of Technology master's degree thesis Web-based online examination system Online Testing System Based on Web)
    2005-04-14 11:44:33下载
  • esign
    分子筛氧浓缩器实验台集散控制系统的设计Test-bed molecular sieve oxygen concentrator distributed control system design(Test-bed molecular sieve oxygen concentrator distributed control system design)
    2011-06-22 12:58:16下载
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