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于 2014-09-26 发布 文件大小:5KB
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  该程序为经典的贝叶斯分类源代码,不仅可以应用于地球物理中的岩性和岩相划分,也可以做储层参数预测!(The source code for classic bayesian classification, the program not only can be used in the lithology and lithofacies division in geophysics, reservoir parameter prediction can also do! )



0 个回复

  • SS
    说明:  有关稀疏采样(Sparse Sampling)的文献(literature related to Sparse Sampling. )
    2011-05-26 10:21:54下载
  • canny
    canny operator for edge detection
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  • youxi
    关于matlab在游戏娱乐中的应用,例如:猫捉老鼠,俄罗斯方块,山寨版极品飞车等经典小游戏(Matlab in the game on the entertainment applications, such as: cat and mouse, the Russian box, cottage version of the classic games such as Need for Speed)
    2010-06-05 19:24:29下载
  • mfiles
    数字图像处理,利用matlab开发环境进行编程实践。(Digital image processing using matlab to program development environment practice.)
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  • vc_matlab
    用VC调用Matlab的文章,文章详细介绍了几种方法,并给出了示例(VC call Matlab with the article, the article details several ways, and gives examples of)
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  • Bearing
    BEARINGANALYSIS MATLAB code for bearingAnalysis.fig BEARINGANALYSIS, by itself, creates a new BEARINGANALYSIS or raises the existing singleton*. H = BEARINGANALYSIS returns the handle to a new BEARINGANALYSIS or the handle to the existing singleton*. BEARINGANALYSIS( CALLBACK ,hObject,eventData,handles,...) calls the local function named CALLBACK in BEARINGANALYSIS.M with the given input arguments. BEARINGANALYSIS( Property , Value ,...) creates a new BEARINGANALYSIS or raises the existing singleton*. Starting from the left, property value pairs are applied to the GUI before bearingAnalysis_OpeningFcn gets called. An unrecognized property name or invalid value makes property application stop. All inputs are passed to bearingAnalysis_OpeningFcn via varargin. *See GUI Options on GUIDE s Tools menu. Choose "GUI allows only one instance to run (singleton)".
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  • regu
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