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  MATLAB编写利用牛拉迭代法求解简单电力系统潮流。程序可以分别运用真实值和标幺值计算,可以区分有无变压器计算。程序开始时需要输入节点数量、互联节点之间线路的阻抗等初始化参数,运行可得潮流结果,详见程序内注释。(Written in MATLAB to solve simple oxen pulling power flow using an iterative method. The program can use the true value, respectively, and the per-unit value calculation, you can distinguish whether the transformer calculations. When the program begins to enter initialization parameters such as impedance between the number of nodes, interconnected nodes lines running trend results can be obtained, the detailed program notes.)





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    2010-11-15 21:29:14下载
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