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于 2012-07-31 发布 文件大小:28KB
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  阵列信号的最基础的波束形成,也是最基本的理论算法(The most basic array signal beam-forming, is also the most basic theory algorithm )



0 个回复

  • mimo-ofdm-ber
    MIMO ofdm完整程序,已仿真过,比较误码率(MIMO ofdm)
    2013-09-21 07:36:55下载
  • textcode
    MATLAB program of texture smoothing
    2013-12-07 01:32:50下载
  • SensorlessmodelofPermanenMagnetSynvhronousMotor
    Induction machines are more rugged, compact, cheap and reliable in comparison to other machines used in similar applications. Vector controlled induction motor drive outperforms the dc motor drive because of higher transient current capability, increased speed range and lower rotor inertia
    2013-11-28 22:04:51下载
  • huofu
    matlab中运用hough变换,设定恰当的阈值,将超过阈值的点在三维空间标示出来&将三维参数矩阵根据半径的不同做成不同的帧,制作成视频(hough transform matlab in use, set the appropriate threshold, will exceed the threshold point in three-dimensional space marked out & three-dimensional parameter matrix made of different frames depending on the radius, made into video)
    2013-12-23 20:39:16下载
  • 2015-A
    2015国赛A题太阳影子定位全国二等奖程序源码(A 2015 national title game sun shadow geopositioning second prize Open Source)
    2016-07-23 10:24:09下载
  • l_corner
    说明:  l曲线的岭参数估计确定相关参数。。。。。。。。。。。。。。(The ridge parameter estimation of the L curve determines the relevant parameters.)
    2020-06-24 01:40:02下载
  • SRIMRangeDist
    SRIM is a software that does Monte Carlo simulation of ion implantations. It can estimate the distribution of ions and target damages after an implantation. SRIMRangeDist helps SRIM users to plot the ion distribution data a SRIM output with relative ease. In some occassions, SRIM users need to calculate the distribution statistics of a series of several ion implantations and do a trial-and-error work to get the optimal implantation parameters. Performing this kind of task manually in a data processing software can be a bit mundane. SRIMRangeDist allows users to plot multiple implantation profiles on the same graph, and it computes the total distribution and the 95 confidence interval of the distribution for a quick reviewing of many implantation scenarios.
    2016-08-16 02:04:26下载
    This is MATLAB code used in my Embedded Control Systems class.
    2013-01-06 10:23:42下载
  • PID_6
    普通PID控制及其扩展算法控制的MATALB仿真程序,内容包含面广.(ordinary PID control algorithm and its expansion of enriching control simulation program, which includes many sectors.)
    2007-03-11 14:01:45下载
  • System-identification
    关于系统辨识和自适应分析的ppt教学分析,通俗易懂。(Ppt teaching analysis on system identification and adaptive analysis, easy to understand.)
    2015-01-07 14:19:32下载
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