这个例子是书上的Morlet小波程序,运行时总是出错。包括 ??? Error using ==> CWT_Morlet at 11 At least 1 parameter required! 这个问题是怎么回事?error的用法错在哪里了?还有,这个程序还有哪些错误呢?比如函数定义之类的问题?请各位大侠帮帮我吧。( Review the release notes for other MathWorks® products required for this product (for example, MATLAB® or Simulink® ). Determine if enhancements, bugs, or compatibility considerations in other products impact you. If you are upgrading from a software version other than the most recent one, review the current release notes and all interim versions. For example, when you upgrade from V)