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于 2012-07-27 发布 文件大小:31KB
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  这是(213)viterbi译码算法,用于awgn,fgnm和jakes信道中(viterbi decode)



0 个回复

  • MATLABhandbook
    matlab的学习手册,可以帮助入门的同志学习(learning matlab manual entry comrades can help learning)
    2007-08-01 14:56:36下载
  • Radarsignalprocessing
    雷达信号处理,马晓岩写的,是雷达信号处理的入门必备书籍(Radar signal processing, Xiao-Yan wrote, is an essential introduction to radar signal processing books)
    2010-07-21 11:38:42下载
  • JKM
    JKM model for MatLab
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  • ew_INCOSE2005_MultidiscipMatlab
    case study of multi-disciplinary modeling using MATLAB
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  • Frequency-dependent-noise-attenuatio
    地震资料 数据处理 分频去噪 模块 主要压制随机噪音 异常振幅 野值 大值 方法特点:1 针对性强,主要去除随机噪音;2 随机噪音识别能力强,达到了较高的去噪水平;3 具有自适应性,能根据不同位置的不同特点统计识别噪音;4 振幅保真,对有效信号的保护性好;5 操作者可根据经验选择参数组合灵活去噪,达到较好的结果。 应用对比:为了展示本模块的去噪效果,所选取的对比对象是某知名成熟商业软件的分频去噪模块,其去噪效果在当前诸多成熟软件模块中是佼佼者,在地震资料处理界具有很好的口碑。 通过对比,说明本模块:1 针对性强,主要去除随机噪音和异常振幅等。2 随机噪音识别能力强,达到了较高的去噪水平。3 具有自适应性,能根据不同位置的不同特点统计识别噪音。4 振幅保真,对有效信号的保护性好。5 操作者可根据经验选择参数组合灵活去噪,达到较好的结果。(Frequency-dependent noise attenuation seismic data, processing module, is mainly to suppress random noise, denoising abnormal/large amplitude values Method of characteristics: 1 targeted, mainly to remove random noise 2 random noise and strong ability to identify , reach a higher level of de-noising 3 is adaptive , able to identify the noise statistics according to the different characteristics of different positions 4 amplitude fidelity , the effective protection of the signal is good 5 denoising operator flexibility to select the combination of parameters according to the experience , to achieve better results . Application contrast: To demonstrate the effect of the de-noising module , the selected object is a well-known comparative commercial software divide mature noising module de-noising effect is the current leader in many mature software module in seismic data processing industry has a good reputation. By contrast, the description of the module : a targeted, mai)
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    a UINT8 montage image comprising the images named in cell Array Of Images.
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    提供一种求解最优哈密尔顿的算法---三边交换调整法,要求在运行jiaohuan3(三交换法)之前,给定邻接矩阵C和节点个数N,结果路径存放于R中。(Hamilton provides an algorithm for solving optimal--- trilateral exchange adjustment method requires running jiaohuan3 (c exchange) before the given node number of the adjacency matrix C and N, the result stored in R in the path.)
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  • Recursive-State-Estimation
    为了得到具有一般相关量测噪声线性系统的递推滤波算法, 将该问题转化为具有相关量测 单值随机向量的滤波问题,根据单值随机向量的线性无偏最小方差估计算法,导出了量测噪声为一 般相关鞅差序列的线性系统的最优递推状态估计滤波算法.通过数值仿真,将该算法与假定量测噪 声不相关时的Kalman 滤波算法进行了比较,证明了该算法的有效性(In order to obtain the recursive f i ltering alg orithm for a linear system w ith general correlat ed measurement noises, the problem is t ransformed to that of filtering for a single random vector w ith correlated measurements. According to the linear unbiased minimum variance estimation algorithm for a single random vector, a recursive filtering algori thm is presented. A digital simulat ion technique is used such that the new algorithm can be compared w i th the Kalman f i ltering algorithm, assuming that the measurement noises are uncorrelated. Validi ty of the proposed algorithm is thus proved)
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