端至端卷积神经网络的文字识别,代码演示包. 它包含我们的论文中使用的所有主要组成部分: kmeans无监督特征学习 + 卷积神经网络(CNN)(This is a demo package of the code we used for our paper, "End-to-End Text Recognition with Convolutional Neural Networks", T. Wang, D. Wu, A. Coates, A. Ng, in ICPR 2012. The package is provided to facilitate understanding of the algorithms used in our paper. It contains demos to all the major components of our end-to-end system. Because of speed considerations, the CNN architectures as well as dataset sizes provided in this package are much smaller than the actural ones used in the paper, although the algorithms themselves are identical. We also provide our trained models together with code to reproduce major results reported in our paper.)