首页 » Java » dspace-1.7.2-src-release


于 2011-09-23 发布 文件大小:7924KB
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  dspace1.7.2源码,DSpace(数字空间)系统是由美国麻省理工学院图书馆(MIT Libraries)和美国惠普公司实验室(Hewlett-Packard Labs)合作经过两年多的努力并于2002年10月开始投入使用的,以内容管理发布为设计目标,遵循BSD协议的开放源代码数字存储系统。该系统可以收 集、存储、索引、保存和重新发布任何数字格式、层次结构的永久标识符研究数据。 (dspace1.7.2 source, DSpace (digital space) systems by the U.S. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Library (MIT Libraries) and the U.S. Hewlett-Packard Laboratories (Hewlett-Packard Labs) co-operation, and after two years of hard work began in October 2002 put to use to publish content management for the design of the target, follow the open source BSD license digital storage systems. The system can collect, store, index, preserve and re-publish any digital format, a permanent identifier for the hierarchy of research data.)



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  • weixin-robot
    说明:  基于java的微信机器人 可以自定义开发插件, 功能非常强大.(Microsoft Robot Based on Java)
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  • Anynote
    1、任务管理中,添加任务时去掉了分类和日期的必须输入检查,更方便快速添加; 相应的数据库脚本中,任务表(todo)的任务分类ID(CATEGORY_ID)和处理时间(DEAL_DATE)字段修改为允许空值; 2、任务管理中,修改了当点击新添加行的优先级和状态时也相应事件的Bug; 3、添加了相册名称和文档名称的最大长度验证; 4、笔记模块,修改直接添加笔记时,无法从相册添加图片的Bug; 5、用户管理模块更名为系统管理,并添加了系统设置功能,可以直接在页面上设置如下信息: 邮箱服务器、邮箱账号、邮箱密码、是否开放注册、相册缩略图尺寸; 升级时注意数据库脚本的修改。 (1, task management, add tasks remove classification and date when the must input inspection, more convenient fast add The corresponding database scripts, task lists (todo) task CATEGORY_ID) and the ID (classification processing time (DEAL_DATE) field modification to allow null values 2, task management in a click new add, modify did when priority and status of the corresponding events Bug 3, added album name and document name maximum length of validation 4, notes module, modify, cannot directly add notes from the album the Bug add images 5, user management module was renamed system management, and add system functions, can be directly on the page set the following information: Mailbox server, email accounts, E-mail passwords, is open registration, photo album thumbnail size Upgraded the modification. Attention database script )
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