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于 2013-09-04 发布 文件大小:13KB
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  模数转换器AD0809例程,通过该例程可掌握AD0809的基本使用方法(AD0809 ADC routines, the routines can be mastered through the basics of using the AD0809)



0 个回复

  • ht16xx
    ht1621的液晶驱动程序,很好用,欢迎下载。(ht16xx LCD driver, useful, welcome to download. A password to extract passwords note that the procedures do not have the passwords.)
    2006-11-24 09:41:57下载
  • POS_Cell_Z2101552122008
    POS Cell Zone for Visual Basic
    2016-01-28 11:06:55下载
  • Desktop
    这是一份关于MSP430的C程序和课件,虽然不是很全面,但是对于新手还是够用的。(This is a report on the MSP430 C program and courseware, though not very comprehensive, but still enough for the novice.)
    2012-06-13 21:30:56下载
  • ddbtopcb
    PCB设计工具,PROTEL 转 POWERPCB工具,方便的PCB转换工具,很实用!(PCB design tools, PROTEL to POWERPCB tools, PCB convenient conversion tool, very useful!)
    2020-06-26 05:20:01下载
  • AM2301
    AM2301显示温湿度并发送到串口,波特率为9600,可自己改,具体情况具体改进(AM2301Display temperature and humidity and sent to the serial port)
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  • GC01100111
    GC0111 是格科微电子(上海)有限公司2010 年最新研发的一款SOC 芯片, 将Sensor 和协处理器整合到了一颗芯片中,能实现的功能包括:支持EMI 接口 的sensor 预览/拍照/录像、SPI 接口的sensor 预览/拍照/录像、USB1.1 / USB2.0 full speed、 JPEG 压缩以及提供软T 卡、软Touch panel 的全套解决方案。GC0111 使得MTK 6223D/Infineon ULC3 等低端平台加一颗sensor 变成多媒体手机,降 低客户成本。 GC0110 是格科微电子(上海)有限公司最新推出的支持SPI 协议的CMOS 图像传感器芯片,采用GalaxyCore 最新的传感器工艺,并优化了电路结构,支 持JPEG 压缩,缩短拍照速度,提高用户体验,并支持录像功能。 (GC0111 is Geke Microelectronics (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. 2010, the latest development of a SOC chip Sensor and co-processor will be integrated into a single chip, to achieve the features include: support for EMI Interface The sensor Preview/photo/video, SPI interface sensor Preview/photo/video, USB1.1/USB2.0 full speed, JPEG compression and to provide soft-T card, soft Touch panel the full set of solutions. GC0111 Makes low-end platform MTK 6223D/Infineon ULC3 add a sensor into a multimedia mobile phone, drop Low customer cost. GC0110 is Geke Microelectronics (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. support the latest CMOS SPI protocol Image sensor chip, using the latest sensor technology GalaxyCore and optimize the circuit structure, support Support JPEG compression, reducing the speed camera to improve the user experience and supports video recording. )
    2010-10-05 23:14:20下载
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    说明:  定时器的使用,让你了解使用定时器所必须的几个步骤!从而能够使用(the use of timers let you know by the use of timers to be a few steps! In order to use)
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