首页 » Visual C++ » GPS_SPP


于 2020-07-28 发布 文件大小:11547KB
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  GPS伪距单点定位,包括导航文件、观测文件、精密钟差和精密星历的读取,对流层Hopfield模型,电离层K8模型,采用最小二乘法,最后通过调用matlab来计算测站坐标。对GPS编程初学者是很好的编程哦。(GPS pseudorange point positioning, including navigation documents, observation files, precision clock bias and precision ephemeris read, Hopfield model troposphere, ionosphere K8 model, using least square method, and finally by calling matlab to calculate station coordinates. The GPS program is a good program for beginners oh.)


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0 个回复

  • D-TINgenerationUnderVCenvirement
    VC++环境下,利用三角形生长算法生成TIN(TIN generation under VC envirement )
    2020-06-29 01:40:02下载
  • JavaLauncher_EKA2
    this file is used to activate app on startup of nokia mobile.
    2013-09-05 14:50:11下载
  • kuneiyidong
    问题描述 完成一小型程序,实现对仓库内存储货物的移动的管理,即实现货物的增 添、删除、移动和查询等操作以及相应结果的显示,查询应能按不同的数据项进行。 需求分析 (1)提供从文本文件导入和从界面输如信息两种方式供用户选择来创建新的物资记录。 (2)插入记录的时候需要检测物资编号是否存在,若存在,需要提醒用户该记录已经存在。 (3)查询物资记录时提供不同的路径供用户选择:按编号查询,按名称查询。 (Description of the problem to complete a small program, to realize the movement of goods inside the warehouse storage management, namely, the achievement of goods to add, delete, move, and querying operations and the corresponding results are displayed, the query should be able to different data items. Needs Analysis (1) to import from text files to and from the input interface, such as information in two ways for users to choose to create a new material recorded. (2) into the record when the need to detect whether the serial number of materials exist, if it exists, need to remind the user the record already exists. (3) query records of materials to provide different paths for users to select: by number query, query by name.)
    2009-12-19 20:09:11下载
  • CPPmusicplayer
    一款简单的VC++6.0编程MP3音乐播放器,附带源码已经工程文件。(A simple VC++6.0 programming an MP3 music player, already works with source files.)
    2014-01-05 14:23:43下载
  • BandPMathPinPENVI
    envi中的波段计算!一般是遥感专业可以选择!(ENVI BAND MATH)
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  • CSharp-basic-konwledge
    从入门到精通,外加实例深入学习C#,适合初级学者(It has planty of examples,and is a good book for the novices.)
    2012-03-02 14:11:35下载
  • shouyan-sms-ocx
    【控件使用步骤】: 第一步:用数据线或红外设置把短信猫(或短信模块、手机等)连接到电脑; 第二步:运行“控件注册及加密狗驱动安装.exe”注册控件及安装加密狗驱动程序[注意:无加密狗版本亦需这一步!] 第三步:打开你的开发平台(如VB、Delphi,VC,PB,.net等),调用本控件即可,控件名称为:ShouYan_SmsGate,详见《开发说明书》; 第四步:发布你的软件时,连“SMSOCX308.OCX”文件打包发布即可(另外,需在目标电脑上运行一次“控件注册及加密狗驱动安装.exe”)。 【关于授权】 本控件支持两种授权方式:带加密狗和不带加密狗方式 【关于OEM】 一次性定购三个授权以上,免费OEM 【关于驱动安装】 在分发软件时可以通过如下方式隐藏驱动的安装过程: shell "控件注册及加密狗驱动安装.exe /s" ([Controls] using the steps: Step one: with a data cable or infrared setting the SMS cat (or SMS module, mobile phone, etc.) connected to the computer Step 2: Run " controls the registration and dongle driver installation exe." Registration and Control install the dongle driver [Note: No dongle version also need this step! ] The third step: Open your development platform (such as VB, Delphi, VC, PB, net, etc.), you can call the control, the control name is: ShouYan_SmsGate, see " Development Guide" Step Four: Publish your When the software, even the " SMSOCX308.OCX" file packaged and released to (in addition, the need to run a " control registration and dongle driver installation. exe" on the target computer). [Authority] on the control supports two types of license: with and without dongle dongle on the way [OEM] authorized a one-time order of three or more, free OEM [about] when installing the driver software can be distributed in the following wa)
    2014-01-15 18:35:19下载
  • VisualPBasicP.NET
    编程学习资料,arcgis的二次开发,基于c++(Programmed learning information the arcgis of secondary development based c++)
    2012-05-24 22:09:50下载
  • CMP3Info
    说明:  MP3信息显示插件,用于播放器播放时同步显示歌曲信息。(MP3 information display plug-ins for the player display song information when the synchronization.)
    2008-10-28 10:22:37下载
  • 逐笔导出工具及使用说明
    本工具可将大智慧L2D文件中的逐笔成交明细导出成csv格式的文本文件,包括成交时间,成交价格,成交方向和成交数量,方便在excel或其他编程工具中调用分析。 L2D乃点播数据,必须在收费帐号大智慧中浏览了逐笔数据才会有,如果要导出全部个股数据,就要浏览完所有个股的逐笔数据。为简化操作,可用键盘精灵等工具来实现自动浏览。 在L2D文件已有的前题下,只需在本工具上简单地设置一下大智慧安装目录和导出数据存放目录即可。 本工具可按需要单股、批量导出,盘中、盘后均可需要导出。(This tool can be of great wisdom in the L2D file by the transaction details to export to CSV format text files, including transaction time, transaction price, transaction direction and the number of transactions, to facilitate analysis of call in Excel or other programming tools. L2D is on demand data, must be in charge of great wisdom in the transaction account data browsing will have, if you want to export all the stock data, to browse the data of all stock transaction. In order to simplify the operation, you can use keyboard, Sprite and other tools to realize automatic browsing. On the basis of the existing L2D file, only in the tool simply set a great wisdom installation directory and export data storage directory. This tool can be exported as required, single stock, batch, and can be exported after disk and after hour.)
    2020-06-29 16:40:01下载
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