首页 » matlab » Divergence-free-Isogeometric-Methods


于 2014-09-15 发布 文件大小:3618KB
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  This thesis is focused on solving the Darcy flow problem using divergence-free isogeometric methods, and comparing these results to the ones obtained using traditional finite element methods with Taylor Hood elements. A short introduction to B-splines is given, and a chapter is also about using repeated knots in the knot vectors to obtain a discontinuous basis for the finite element method. This can be useful when dealing with varying permeabilities.



0 个回复

  • principle_of_communication_Chapter_9
    2008-03-11 14:09:57下载
  • digiter_clock
    详细介绍了用matlab设计数字钟的程序!希望对读者有益!(Matlab with detailed procedures for the design of digital clock! Hope that useful to readers!)
    2009-04-28 00:55:46下载
  • ofdmqpskawgn123
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  • epoxilaminate4N
    复合材料的优化,内容里边有很好的描述以及很多的计算实例,适合进阶学习(Objective of this Matlab s program was researched optimization analysis of laminated composite plates for determined the ultimate strength and stress effects of plate s under the regular and uniform out-loads. Therefore, generally Reissner s flat and thick shell finite element model (4Node-20Dof) was developed with first-order shear deformation theory (FSDT). Kirchhoff s classical laminate plate theory yields in adequate results for thick plates (a/th<20). This classical laminated plate (CLPT or CPT), was one of the first developed by Reissner with shear deformation theory. Afterwards, Mindlin was utulizated this shear deformation theory to accommodate rotary of inertia terms on per unit freedom. If this plate system s be very thick (a/th<10) than it is fail to shear deformation-motion and it s condition of adaptive shear stress on plate s top and bottom surface. While this conditions was produced on plate s segment when requered the shear correction factor of shear locking eff)
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