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于 2011-09-18 发布 文件大小:23KB
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  自己用MATLAB仿真的直接转矩控制电机的仿真,大家可以参考一下!(Own use MATLAB simulation of direct torque control of motor simulation, we can refer to!)



0 个回复

  • matlab
    本书既可作为理工科院校研究生、本科生系统学习的教材,又可以作为广大科技工作者掌握和精通 MATLAB的自学用书和使用手册。 (This book can be used as a post-graduate colleges of science and engineering, a systematic study of teaching undergraduates, but also as a vast number of scientific and technological workers and proficient in MATLAB to master the self-study books and manuals.)
    2009-05-27 21:57:04下载
  • PracticalMatlabBasicsforEngineers2009
    是最新MATLAB工程应用的代码,都是代码在里面,很值得鉴赏(Engineering applications is the latest MATLAB code is the code inside, it is worthy of appreciation )
    2009-09-26 22:23:19下载
  • qu
    说明:  说课中常见的三个问题探讨 目前中小学教师说课的问题不少。本文仅就中小学语文教师说课中常见的三个问题提出探讨(Speaking Lesson 3 Common Problems of secondary and primary teachers Speaking Lesson lot of problems. This article far as language teachers in primary and secondary schools common Talking about the class of the three issues)
    2010-01-06 15:53:11下载
  • lfm_jc
    近程模式下的单脉冲信号产生,频谱图,模糊函数图,模糊度等高线图,自相关函数图和多普勒敏感度(Short-range mode of the single pulse signal generator, spectrum map, fuzzy function maps, contour map of ambiguity, since the correlation function maps and Doppler sensitivity)
    2008-08-26 10:55:38下载
  • VQC1
    VQC控制原理讲义,详细讲了VQC无功控制的原理(VQC )
    2014-08-16 18:18:20下载
  • tianxian
    雷达天线方向图仿真,非常简单实用。。。。。。。。。(Radar antenna pattern simulation, a very simple and practical)
    2020-07-01 20:00:01下载
  • matlab
    matlab神经网络,用于数据拟合及数据模拟预测(matlab neural network for data fitting and data simulation and prediction)
    2012-10-28 16:35:45下载
  • raimwenzhang
    RAIM即接收机自主完好性,在航天领域有着重要的作用,本文章主要对其基本算法进行描述,读者可根据其来进行matlab编程实现。(That RAIM Receiver Autonomous Integrity, plays an important role in the aerospace industry, this paper mainly described its basic algorithm, the reader can be realized in accordance with its program for matlab.)
    2021-04-15 15:08:54下载
  • Matlab_code_for_Ray_EC_Function
    The statements below guide us to write the code for the transmission of sensed data to a sink node using cognitive radios in multiple spectrum bands. In doing this we are trying to find the most appropriate modulation scheme using MATLAB simulation.
    2013-11-21 03:58:27下载
  • gm21
    程序名称:gm21.m GM(2,1)模型 程序功能:利用GM(2,1)模型进行预测。 程序编写:mongvi@126.com 开发指导:刘思峰教授 程序发布:南京航空航天大学灰色系统研究所(Program name: GM gm21.m (2,1) model Program function: using GM (2,1) model to predict. Programming: mongvi@126.com Development direction: Professor Liu Sifeng)
    2015-10-24 21:19:05下载
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