这本书提供了坚实的介绍卡尔曼滤波的理论和实践方面的读者。它已经更新了卡尔曼滤波,包括适应非线性滤波,更可靠的平滑方法,并在导航应用程序开发的实施和应用的最新发展。所有的软件是在MATLAB中,提供给读者的机会,发现如何卡尔曼滤波行动,并考虑实际运算需要保持结果的准确性。(This book provides readers with a solid introduction to the theoretical and practical aspects of Kalman filtering. It has been updated with the latest developments in the implementation and application of Kalman filtering, including adaptations for nonlinear filtering, more robust smoothing methods, and developing applications in navigation. All software is provided in MATLAB, giving readers the opportunity to discover how the Kalman filter works in action and to consider the practical arithmetic needed to preserve the accuracy of results. )