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于 2012-07-21 发布 文件大小:74KB
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  The eff ect of thyristor-controlled series capacitors (TCSC) on bifurcations of subsynchronous resonance (SSR) in power system



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  • juzhenjisuanyuyouhua
    矩阵运算与优化,包括特殊矩阵的生成及稀疏矩阵的介绍(Matrix calculation and optimization, including the introduction of a special matrix generation and sparse matrix)
    2014-10-19 16:12:28下载
  • MATLAB6.0shuxueshouce
    本教程提供了使用MATLAB的实践性指导,它基于MATLAB6.0版,内容由浅入深,特别是本书对每一条命令的使用格式都作了详细而又简单明了的说明,并配备了例题加以说明其用法;对数学中的一些深入问题如数值分析、稀疏矩阵、优化理论以及模糊数学等问题进行了较为详细的论述,(This tutorial provides a practical guide for using MATLAB, which is based on MATLAB6.0 edition, the contents of Deep In particular, this book use the format of each command are detailed but simple instructions, and be equipped with Example on its use of mathematics in some in-depth issues such as numerical analysis, sparse matrix, optimization theory and fuzzy mathematics and other issues in a more detailed exposition)
    2009-09-09 11:44:10下载
  • FHB
    这个是一个好好用的完美挂请大家用用好不好用大家说说(PostScript(R) Printer Description (a.k.a. PPD) files are text files containing information about special features available on PostScript printers such as paper sizes, screen values and fonts available on your printer. These files are in a very specific format that can be read by software applications. The information is used when printing your document by the printer driver for decision making purposes or to invoke particular features of the printer. )
    2010-01-18 16:47:22下载
  • chirp_echo_signal
    线性调频信号的回波仿真,比较特别的是对近距目标的仿真(the stimulation of Linear fm signal wave , particularly to the close goals )
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  • edgeroberts
    哈夫曼码编码用MATLAB实现,此法经过检验效果非常好。(Huffman coding using MATLAB implementation, this method is proven very successful.)
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  • enhancement
    enhancement for fingerprint
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  • matlab
    matlab教程:第一章 计算机辅助设计与仿真技术概述 第二章 matlab语言基础...(matlab tutorial: Chapter Overview computer-aided design and simulation Chapter matlab language based ...)
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    说明:  工作面采完后,地表沉陷曲面图利用MATLAB软件进行绘制-下沉曲面图和等值线图的绘制(Face after mining, surface subsidence surface Figure drawn using MATLAB software- sinking surface maps and contour mapping)
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    Eigenface core matlab code
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