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于 2013-08-29 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  Processing EKG via Pan-and-Tompkins algorithm



0 个回复

  • ma=1.1
    标准AM振幅调制方式,ma=1.1时的标准AM振幅调制(Standard AM amplitude modulation, ma = 1.1 when the standard AM amplitude modulation)
    2013-07-21 13:48:42下载
    Matlab计算自回归滑动平均模型参数,自回归滑动模型(Matlab autoregressive moving average model parameters)
    2020-06-26 18:00:02下载
  • fuzzy-control-system
    基于matlab的模糊控制系统 针对智能控制的学习 使用模糊算法 (fuzzy control system that based on the matlab )
    2011-05-03 08:56:35下载
  • matlab-bandpass
    matlab 带通,低通,巴特沃斯滤波器的设计(bandpass, low pass filter with butterworth type)
    2013-05-03 20:51:09下载
  • A1Jedi.java
    This program counts the occurrence of specified patterns in the input strands and produces a report for each pattern. The first input to this program will be an integer indicating how many patterns will be provided (call this N). The next N words to this program will be patterns of nucleobases to search for. Following the patterns will be a sequence of strands terminated by the word "end" as before.
    2014-01-25 12:44:00下载
  • matlab
    教程示范,如何数学建模,以及解非线性方程组(Tutorial example, how mathematical modeling and nonlinear equations)
    2010-05-16 16:36:49下载
  • Recursive_integer_division
    递归法求解整数划分。 整数划分,是指把一个正整数n写成如下形式: n=m1+m2+…+mi (其中mi为正整数,并且1 <= mi <= n),则{m1,m2,...,mi}为n的一个划分。 如果{m1,m2,...,mi}中的最大值不超过m,即max(m1,m2,...,mi)<=m,则称它属于n的一个m划分。这里我们记n的m划分的个数为f(n,m) (Recursive method integer division. Integer division, refers to a positive integer n written as follows: n = m1+m2+ ...+mi (where mi is a positive integer, and 1 < = mi < = n), then {m1, m2, ..., mi} is a division of n. If {m1, m2, ..., mi} does not exceed the maximum value of m, i.e., max (m1, m2, ..., mi) < = m, m n is said that it belongs to a division. Where m is the number of division n our mind is f (n, m) )
    2014-02-06 14:21:38下载
  • Moment1D.m
    this is file transport neutron
    2011-05-17 19:49:53下载
  • turboapp
    This software is based simulink, it shows the turbo encoder and decoder using app
    2012-05-08 22:26:47下载
  • MeanShift
    Mean Shift 这个概念最早是由Fukunaga等人[1]于1975年在一篇关于概率密度梯度函数的估计中提出来的,其最初含义正如其名,就是偏移的均值向量,在这里Mean Shift是一个名词,它指代的是一个向量,但随着Mean Shift理论的发展,Mean Shift的含义也发生了变化,如果我们说Mean Shift算法,一般是指一个迭代的步骤,即先算出当前点的偏移均值,移动该点到其偏移均值,然后以此为新的起始点,继续移动,直到满足一定的条件结束. 用matlab实现mean shift算法仿真(Mean Shift the concept was first used by Fukunaga et al [1] in 1975 in an article on the probability density function estimation of gradient raised its original meaning, as its name implies, is the offset of the mean vector, where is the Mean Shift a noun, it refers to a vector, but with the Mean Shift the development of the theory, Mean Shift the meaning has changed, if we say that Mean Shift algorithm, generally refers to an iterative steps, namely, first calculate the current point Mean offset, move the shift points to its average, and then as a new starting point and continue to move until the end to meet certain conditions. realize using mean shift algorithm matlab simulation)
    2009-02-11 20:58:57下载
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