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于 2013-01-30 发布 文件大小:193KB
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  matlab层次分析及例题讲解,本文档详细讲述了层次分析法的概念内涵以及应用(Matlab level analysis and examples to explain the document in detail about the connotation of the concept of the Analytic Hierarchy Process and Application)



0 个回复

  • FuzzyClusteringToolbox
    四种聚类算法源代码及示例代码,本程序的最终目的是形成一套标准的用于聚类、可扩展的工具。包括的内容有1. 聚类算法:Kmeans和Kmedoid算法、FCMclust, GKclust, GGclust算法 2. 评估分类原型:程序可以在二维图像上绘制出聚类的结果 3. 验证:程序给每一个算法提供验证机制,每个聚类算法会统计Partition Coefficient (PC), Classification Entropy (CE), Partition Index (SC), Separation Index (S), Xie and Beni s Index (XB), Dunn s Index (DI) and Alternative Dunn Index (DII)几种衡量指标。(Four kinds of clustering algorithms source code and sample code, the ultimate goal of this program is to form a set of standards for clustering, scalable tools. Including the contents of a. Clustering algorithm: Kmeans and Kmedoid algorithms, FCMclust, GKclust, GGclust algorithm 2. Assessment classified prototypes: programs can be plotted in two-dimensional image, the results of clustering 3. Verify: Program to provide an algorithm to each authentication mechanism, each clustering algorithm will calculate Partition Coefficient (PC), Classification Entropy (CE), Partition Index (SC), Separation Index (S), Xie and Beni' s Index (XB), Dunn' s Index (DI) and Alternative Dunn Index (DII) of several metrics.)
    2009-10-05 12:55:47下载
  • wavelet
    根据小波的分解算法与重构算法来实现小波的分解与重构(Algorithm based on wavelet decomposition and reconstruction algorithm to achieve the wavelet decomposition and reconstruction)
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  • matlab_-drawing
    matlab中的绘图讲解ppt,用于初学者绘图使用,方便(matlab_ drawing)
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  • wsxbq
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  • EVM
    运用误差矢量幅值法(EVM)对信号的载噪比进行估计(Method using error vector magnitude (EVM) of the carrier signal-to-noise ratio estimate)
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  • Others
    matlab编程比较有用的电子书之一,可以经常翻阅进行入门(matlab programming more useful one of the e-book, you can always look for entry-)
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  • afqrrls2
    afqrrls算法2,大家多多支持,多多交流(afqrrls Algorithm 2, a lot of U.S. support, more exchanges)
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  • tushuguanli
    数据管理、记录浏览、借还操作(借书、还书、续借、更新、删除、添加)等功能。(Data management, record visit, through further operations (borrowing, but also books, renew, update, delete, add) and other functions.)
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  • mfcc_duandian
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