PICs have a set of registers that function as general purpose RAM. Special purpose control registers for on-chip hardware resources are also mapped into the data space. The addressability of memory varies depending on device series, and all PIC devices have some banking mechanism to extend addressing to additional memory. Later series of devices feature move instructions which can cover the whole addressable space, independent of the selected bank. In earlier devices, any register move had VVXXC
- 2013-09-12 19:46:14下载
- 积分:1
YC2440utuWINCEGuild扬创科技开发三星2440平台WINCE系统指导书(Technology Development YC2440utuWINCEGuild Jan 2440 Samsung WINCE platform system guide book)
- 2008-05-05 15:47:13下载
- 积分:1
一个WinCE下的控制面板的例子.希望对想学习这方面的朋友有帮助.(A control panel under WinCE example. Want to want to learn in this regard to help friends.)
- 2008-01-28 15:47:35下载
- 积分:1
embedded basics,IOs,accelerators
- 2015-04-10 02:35:50下载
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wince5.0及6.0下3G卡驱动,wince5.0 and 6.0 3G card driver(wince5.0 and 6.0 3G card driver)
- 2013-12-04 15:08:25下载
- 积分:1
说明: EVC高级编程及其应用开发EVC高级编程及其应用开发
- 2010-08-18 10:26:30下载
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you can copy and paste into your EVC4 source code
It uses #ifdef _WIN32_WCE to make sure the code gets compiled for
Pocket PC 2003 project or Smartphone 2003 project. The final executable
can then be copied to a Pocket PC 5.0 device or Smartphone 5.0 device.
( you can copy and paste into your EVC4 source code
It uses#ifdef _WIN32_WCE to make sure the code gets compiled for
Pocket PC 2003 project or Smartphone 2003 project. The final executable
can then be copied to a Pocket PC 5.0 device or Smartphone 5.0 device.
- 2009-07-22 16:42:28下载
- 积分:1
Source_Insight教程及技巧,对于学习Source_Insight掌控代码很有帮助(Source_Insight tutorials and tips, very helpful for learning Source_Insight control code)
- 2013-08-25 17:53:16下载
- 积分:1
WicePlus2.7081231 汇编加C编程,最新版本(WicePlus2.7081231 compilation of additional C programming, the latest version)
- 2010-05-13 08:26:42下载
- 积分:1
vs2008开发的虚拟dtu,可以简单模拟dtu的功能,初学者可以参考和修改。(vs2008 development of the Virtual dtu, you can simply simulate the function of dtu, beginners can refer to and modify.)
- 2013-09-24 10:31:31下载
- 积分:1