MATLAB由于其强大的功能而被广泛应用于很多工程技术领域,尤其在通信和信息处理领域更有其突出地位。众所周知,在物理级的产品作出之前,先用MATLAB进行这种电子产品的输入输出以估计这种产品的性能好坏,从而可以看出什么地方需要从新设计,什么地方需要优化等来进一步提高系统的性能,因此,伴随着现代通信系统与日俱增的复杂性,这种通信系统的仿真分析也变得尤其重要。本文介绍了利用MATLAB进行正交振幅调制与解调的仿真分析,仿真结果验证了该方法的正确性和可行性。(MATLAB because of its powerful features and is widely used in many engineering fields, particularly in the field of communications and information processing more of its prominent position. As we all know, in physics class products made prior to such use MATLAB input and output of electronic products to estimate the performance of this product good or bad, so we can see where the needs of the new design, where the need for optimization to further improve system performance, therefore, accompanied by modern communications systems with ever-increasing complexity, such a communication system simulation analysis has become particularly important. This article describes the use of MATLAB to carry out quadrature amplitude modulation and demodulation of the simulation analysis, simulation results verify the correctness of the method and feasibility.)