定位算法中泰勒级数迭代,其是以最小二乘法为初值的算法(Taylor series iterative positioning algorithm, which is based on least squares algorithm for the initial value)
- 2010-02-09 11:06:50下载
- 积分:1
基础的的SAR成像源代码!能够实现运行,供学习参考(this is the code of sar ,it is very good!)
- 2013-03-15 21:57:27下载
- 积分:1
DK-SVD,CVPR文章 Discriminative K-SVD dictionary learning for face recognition 源码,效果好于原始SRC(DK-SVD,the source code of CVPR paper Discriminative K-SVD dictionary learning for face recognition, its has a better performance than the classical SRC classifier )
- 2013-12-16 17:16:21下载
- 积分:1
(The factors that affect the location accuracy of target tracked by multi-radar are analyzed.The method
to define target location accuracy and the metrics to evaluate the accuracy improvement efficiency of a radar net-
work are presented.The analytical expressions are developed to estimate the target location accuracy and the effi-
ciency metricsof a radar network.The presented method is convenient to evaluate the target location accuracy and
the efficiency of 2-D,3-D as well as the heterogeneous radar network instead of the tedious computer simula-
tions.The advantages and the validity of the method are demonstrated by an application.
- 2014-01-04 21:37:02下载
- 积分:1
用于光纤信道中的色散补偿、适用于PAM调制的直调直检信号(IM/DD,CD compensation,pulse amplitude modulation)
- 2016-06-20 16:50:41下载
- 积分:1
SPECTRAL_ANALYSIS M-file for spectral_analysis.fig
SPECTRAL_ANALYSIS, by itself, creates a new SPECTRAL_ANALYSIS or raises the existing
H = SPECTRAL_ANALYSIS returns the handle to a new SPECTRAL_ANALYSIS or the handle to
the existing singleton*.
SPECTRAL_ANALYSIS( CALLBACK ,hObject,eventData,handles,...) calls the local
function named CALLBACK in SPECTRAL_ANALYSIS.M with the given input arguments.
SPECTRAL_ANALYSIS( Property , Value ,...) creates a new SPECTRAL_ANALYSIS or raises the
existing singleton*. Starting from the left, property value pairs are
applied to the GUI before spectral_analysis_OpeningFcn gets called. An
unrecognized property name or invalid value makes property application
stop. All inputs are passed to spectral_analysis_OpeningFcn via varargin.
- 2014-02-14 11:08:42下载
- 积分:1
MMA and GCMMA two methods for nonlinear optimization(MMA and GCMMA two methods for nonlinear optimization)
- 2014-11-11 10:12:36下载
- 积分:1
可用于电力系统短期负荷预测的RBF神经网络程序(Power system can be used for short-term load forecasting procedures of the RBF neural network)
- 2009-04-17 09:25:29下载
- 积分:1
说明: 马氏距离的仿射不变性删除误匹配特征点
对,据此可求取2幅源图像间的仿射变换参数(Mahalanobis distance of the affine invariant features remove the false matching points
Yes, according to the source to obtain two parameter affine transformation between images)
- 2010-04-11 17:24:32下载
- 积分:1
关于直线电机的仿真研究工作。文中基于Matlab Simulink工具建立了一套直线电机的仿真工具。(Simulation research work on the linear motor. Matlab Simulink-based tool to establish a set of linear motor simulation tools.)
- 2020-10-23 17:07:22下载
- 积分:1