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于 2013-01-29 发布 文件大小:327KB
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  聚类树的matlab软件包。层次聚类分析器。(ClusTree is a GUI Matlab tool that: Enables an easy and intuitive way to cluster, analyze and compare some hierarchical clustering methods Consists of a two-step wizard that wraps some basic Matlab clustering methods and introduces the Top-Down Quantum Clustering algorithm. Provides a flexible and customizable interface for clustering data with high dimensionality. Allows both textual and graphical display for the clustering results. Can either apply hierarchical clustering to a dataset or analyze ‘pre-clustered’ results. )



0 个回复

    模拟QPSK发射和接受的一个程序,带I-Q修正,对于理解QPSK有很好的作用(QPSK Transmitter and I-Q Correlation Receiver)
    2009-04-26 10:08:17下载
  • geneticalgrithmprogram
    BNB20 Finds the constrained minimum of a function of several possibly integer variables. % Usage: [errmsg,Z,X,t,c,fail] = % BNB20(fun,x0,xstatus,xlb,xub,A,B,Aeq,Beq,nonlcon,settings,options,P1,P2,...) % % BNB solves problems of the form: % Minimize F(x) subject to: xlb <= x0 <=xub % A*x <= B Aeq*x=Beq % C(x)<=0 Ceq(x)=0 % x(i) is continuous for xstatus(i)=0 % x(i) integer for xstatus(i)= 1 % x(i) fixed for xstatus(i)=2 %(BNB20 Finds the constrained minimum of a fu nction of several possibly integer variables. % Usage : [errmsg, Z, X, t, c, fail] =% BNB20 (fun, x0, xstatus, xlb, xub, A, B, Aeq, Beq, nonlcon. settings, options, P1, P2, ...)%% BNB solves problems of the form : Minimize% F (x) subject to : xlb)
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  • Wiener-filter-in-speech-enhance
    这是我的adsp的project 维纳滤波在语音增强上的应用,是基于维纳滤波的语音增强的matlab实现,其中包括matlab源码,word文档,以及PPT。并设计了简单的 GUI 对语音信号进行加噪处理,然后再其进行维纳滤波。通过gui可以实时改变加入噪声的参数和维纳滤波器的参数,进行分析。并 有频谱显示和语谱对比显示。(This is my project adsp the Wiener filter applied on speech enhancement is based on the Wiener filter speech enhancement matlab implementation, including matlab source code, word documents, and PPT. And designed a simple GUI for adding noise speech signal processing, then it Wiener filtering. You can join the real-time changes in the parameters and noise parameters Wiener filter through gui, for analysis. And a spectrum display and spectral contrast display language.)
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  • xiaobomojidazhi
    可以提取信号的突变量,用于电力系统故障测距方面(Mutations in the signal can be extracted amount of respect for the power system fault location)
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  • zishiyingpinlvzhaidaiganraoxianzhi
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  • wsnwithns
    无线传感器网络在煤矿中的仿真设计 提供了一种监控系统模型以及传感器网络的结构,并且对传感器网络的拓扑控制技术进行了研究及仿真。(Wireless sensor network simulation in the coal mine design a monitoring system model and the structure of sensor networks and sensor network topology control technology research and simulation.)
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