首页 » matlab » Radar-signal-processing


于 2013-08-27 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  雷达信号的基本模型,高斯分布,几何分布,求信号的概率分布,概率密度函数,功率谱函数,自相关函数等等(The basic model of the radar signal, Gaussian distribution, geometric distribution, the probability distribution for the signal, probability density function, power spectrum, the autocorrelation function, and so)



0 个回复

  • AnintroductiontoHMMs
    隐马尔科夫算法详细的介绍,英文版的,经典(Hidden Markov algorithm detailed introduction in English)
    2010-09-15 16:23:51下载
  • three
    大功率分布式发电系统通常采用三相逆变器并网,由于三相逆变器系统参数耦合,传统方法设计的控制器算法复杂。在d。q坐标系下为双模式三相并网逆变器的独市和并网模式建立了数学模型.采用新的解耦方法,依据独立和并网模式控制系统超调量越小,模式切换过程中被控量的波动越小。切换过程就越平滑的原则。完成了两种模式的控制器设计,即分别应用积分环节、比例环节即可将独立模式和并网模式整定成典型的二阶系统,控制器设计简单.能取得优良的动、静态特性。仿真与实验验证了设计方法的正确性和可行性。(It is necessary to research on three—phase grid-connected inverter which a8 an important part of distributed generation.The parameters of three—phase inverter are coupling.The traditional design algorithm of the controller is complicated.The mathematicM models of stand—alone mode and grid—connected mode are established in d,q fhme. Based on the principle that the lower overshoot of the controller system,the smaller fluctuation of the controlled vailables, the smoother in transfer,controllers of two modes are designed separately,as integral and proportional regulators are separately added to stand-alone mode and g而d—connected mode.The controller has good dynamic and static char— acteristics.Simulation and experimental results varify the correctness and feasibility of the proposed method.)
    2011-05-17 15:13:08下载
  • cdfTDMA
    Finite Volume Method 流体仿真代码 利用TDMA算法计算二维矩阵 从而计算出二位场内各点的性质 可以通过修改步长和网格大小实现算法研究(A computational fluid dynamics code for determine the property of a two-dimensional plate by using Finite Volume Method. Grid size and time step are free to change in this code.)
    2012-05-23 21:20:56下载
  • xiaobofenxi
    小波分析与应用基础 张国华 matlab的许多应用技术及代码(Wavelet analysis and application of basic Zhang Guohua matlab many applications and code)
    2013-05-05 17:22:16下载
  • mpso
    改进粒子群算法摄像机标定,对所求的初始参数进行非线性优化,得到最终的摄像机参数精确值(Camera Calibration Using Modified Particle Swarm Algorithm, the accuracy, stability and global search ability are obviously enhanced compared with the traditional calibration algorithm. Nonlinear optimization to the desires of initial parameters, we get the final accurate camera parameters)
    2020-06-29 09:40:01下载
  • rolling_boll
    matlab动态模拟程序,小球的弹性碰撞模拟,直观的展现动态性(matlab dynamic simulation program, a small ball elastic collision simulation, intuitive dynamic display)
    2013-11-03 16:21:10下载
  • error
    lms算法 误差收敛曲线 自适应均衡器 matlab lms算法lms算法lms算法lms算法(lms algorithm error convergence curve algorithm adaptive equalizer matlab lms lms lms lms algorithm algorithm algorithm)
    2013-12-14 14:43:20下载
  • wave_front
    用于求解光学传输过程中的波前畸变,对光学分析起到非常关键的作用(heat depoization)
    2013-12-19 23:52:07下载
  • QPSK
    QPSK星座图,信噪比为5dB,10dB(QPSK constellation, the signal-to-noise ratio is 5dB, 10dB)
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  • shiliangzhenzhixiangxing
    矢量阵指向性程序(Vector array directivity procedures)
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