一款利用matlab编写的射线追踪程序,易改易用。(The installation of TTBOX is relatively simple. All you have to do is to create some directories and tell MatLab, where TTBOX is. if it does not already exist, create a directory matlab within your home directory. Copy the TTBOX directory into the matlab directory if it does not already exist, create a file startup.m within the matlab directory Insert the following lines into startup.m: basepath= This should be the path to your home directory! addpath([basepath filesep matlab filesep ttbox ],1) addpath([basepath filesep matlab filesep ttbox filesep support ],1) execute startup within the MatLab command window. MatLab is now ready to execute TTBOX routines. The startup-script will be executed automatically upon start of MatLab. In order to read the online documentation, you have to browse to the doc directory and open the ttbox/doc/ttbox.html file with your web browser (it is recommended to set a bookma)
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