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于 2011-09-07 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  fft应用直观显示调制解调的过程 matlab程序(fft application)



0 个回复

  • DCS_spectrum_sensing
    说明:  分布式压缩感知,DCS_SOMP算法。用于稀疏信号的分布式恢复。(Distributed compressed sensing, DCS_SOMP algorithm. Distributed for sparse signal recovery.)
    2011-04-01 17:08:36下载
  • showimage2
    display any single-band or triple-band image, by normalizing each band it so that the darkest pixel is black and the brightest is white
    2011-09-23 21:30:26下载
  • linear
    RSSI线性化求解坐标,三维的RSSI的值,构成RSSI的矩阵,计算循环K次的误差曲线(Solving linear coordinates RSSI)
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  • sig_ref
    transitoire simulation d une boucle de regulation
    2012-01-24 18:43:59下载
  • deriv
    This function returns the numerical derivative of an analytic function. Of special note, is the incorporation of the "complex stepderivative"approach which offers greatly improved derivative accuracy compared to approximations. This is especially germain when accuracy at the level of machine precision is a concern. (Programming the finite element toolbox using matlb finite element toolbox, many examples for yourself as there is a very friendly interface, input parameters can be)
    2010-12-26 14:19:33下载
  • netlist_CH3
    As a consequence, more exact models of devices can be retained for analysis rather than the approximate models commonly introduced for the sake of computational simplicity. A computer icon appears in the margin with each introduction of MATLAB analysis.
    2008-02-19 18:54:05下载
  • calc_3stage_FIR
    3阶段fir数字滤波器生成。用于生成所需fir滤波器系数,适用于CDMA的数字中频处理。(calc 3 stage FIRcoefficients used in cdma)
    2013-11-04 09:38:15下载
  • SeismicLab
    地震勘探,matlab程序包,勘探地球物理,地震学。作图工具等。(seismic laboratory)
    2013-12-08 17:26:22下载
  • 均匀线阵DOA估计Unitary -ESPRIT算法MATLAB
    均匀线阵DOA估计Unitary -ESPRIT算法MATLAB程序(Unitary -ESPRIT for ULA)
    2020-11-30 09:39:28下载
  • ModelbasedPredictiveControl
    Easily editable files to simulate three MIMO predictive control algorithms. These files are intended as a support to this book to enable students to investigate predictive control algorithms from the formulation of the prediction equations right through to the closed-loop simulation. (Easily editable files to simulate three MIMO predictive control algorithms.These files are intended as a support to this book to enable students to investigate predictive control algorithms from the formulation of the prediction equations right through to the closed-loop simulation.)
    2007-06-26 21:54:11下载
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