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于 2014-08-25 发布 文件大小:3KB
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  AHP层次分析算法的MATLAB源文件。包括三个部分,一个主函数脚本文件,输入判断矩阵,两个函数文件分别实现求最大特征根、特征向量及一致性检验。(AHP AHP algorithm MATLAB source file. Consists of three parts, a main function of the script file, enter judgment matrix, two function files are seeking to achieve maximum eigenvalue eigenvector and consistency checking.)



0 个回复

  • A200805-187
    去噪处理是图像处理中较为重要的环节。中值滤波是抑制图像的噪声的一个行之有效的办法,选择适当大小的中值滤波窗口可以在最大限度的保持图像精度的基础上去除图像噪声。本文在对中值滤波去噪算法的适用性特点进行研究的基础上,进一步研究了中值滤波去噪算法,同时对其他去噪算法,如均值滤波、低通滤波的小波变换进行分析研究,并做了相应的比较。(Noise reduction is one of the most important parts of image processing. Median filtering is a proven way to remove image noise. To select the appropriate size of the window can maximize to remove image noise on the basis of maintaining the accuracy of the image. On the basis of investigating the application of the median filtering algorithm denoising characteristics, we do further study of the median filtering algorithm denoising. At the mean time we analyzed the mean filtering and wavelet transform algorithm, and compared them.)
    2010-05-31 09:25:45下载
  • SPR3layeranglelongrange
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  • OFDM
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  • 模糊聚类分析法(matlab
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  • camtest2
    基于IEC61131—3标准的连续定位运动模块MC—PositionProfile,可以使用户方便的定义几点,然 后实现加速度平滑变化的运动。虽然其保证了加速度的平滑过渡,但没有考虑轴会发生反转,本文讨论的是 在保证加速度变化平滑的基础上实现轴的单向运动。(IEC61131-3 standard based on the continuous positioning movement module MC-PositionProfile, allows the user to easily define points, and then change to achieve smooth acceleration of the movement. Although its acceleration to ensure a smooth transition, but did not consider the axis will be reversed, this discussion is to ensure the smooth acceleration on the basis of changes in one-way movement axis.)
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  • foreasting
    这是一个有预测功能的程序,还没有进行优化,可供大家作为基础来加以改进,但是大概的预测方向都是准确的(This is a prediction function of the procedure have not yet optimized for the U.S. used as the basis to be improved, but perhaps the direction of the prediction is accurate)
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