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于 2013-01-22 发布 文件大小:6541KB
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  本书第一章系统讲述MATLAB6.5的集成工作平台,引导读者初会MATLAB基本用法。第二、三章系统叙述MATLAB6.1的四大基本数据类型(数值数组、字符串数组、元胞数组、构架数组),至于其它扩展数据类型(函数句柄、符号数据、内联函数、unit数组、稀疏类)则另辟章节专述。此后,本书用九个独立章分述MATLAB6.5的数值计算、符号计算、函数和数据可视、面向对象编程、GUI交互操作界面设计、EXE独立应用程序生成、实现不同软件平台交互的API、M-book数据图形文字环境集成等八大通用功能。本书用专门的一章深入浅出地阐明SIMULINK的分层建模、仿真功能、与MATLAB交互的功能。(The first chapter of this book the system tells MATLAB6.5 of integrated working platform, guiding the reader will be the beginning of MATLAB basic usage. The second and third chapters system described the MATLAB6.1 four basic data types (numeric array, string array, cell array, the array architecture), as extended data types (function handle symbol data, inline functions, unit array , the sparse class) are covered in separate chapters specifically mentioned. Since then, with nine separate chapter book are as MATLAB6.5 the numerical computation, symbolic computation, functions, and data visualization, object-oriented programming, GUI interactive interface design, EXE standalone application generation, different software platform to interact The data graphics API, M-book text environment integration Eight generic function. Book special chapter layman' s language to clarify SIMULINK hierarchical modeling, simulation capabilities, and MATLAB interaction.)



0 个回复

    MATLAB编程书籍,适合于刚开始学习的用户.(MATLAB programming books, suitable for beginning to learn the user.)
    2010-05-18 09:37:08下载
  • oscsend
    发送一个开放声音控制(OSC)的信息通过UDP连接 oscsend(美,路径) oscsend(美,路径,类型,arg1的,arg2的,...) oscsedn(美,路径,类型,[参数]) ü= UDP的对象与打开的连接。 路径=路径字符串 =同类型的参数类型的字符串, 支持: 我=整数 f=浮动 商S =串 每组空(忽略相应的参数) 余=脉冲(忽略相应的参数) T=真(忽略相应的参数) F=假(忽略相应的参数) 乙=布尔(不是官方:将参数为T/在F型) 不支持: b=一滴 参数=参数所指定的类型。 示例 ü=的UDP( ,7488) 的FOPEN(美) oscsend(ü, /测试 , ifsINBTF ,1,3.14, 您好 ,[],[],虚假,[],[]) fclose(美) 如需关于振荡信息http://opensoundcontrol.org/。(Sends a Open Sound Control (OSC) message through a UDP connection oscsend(u,path) oscsend(u,path,types,arg1,arg2,...) oscsedn(u,path,types,[args]) u = UDP object with open connection. path = path-string types = string with types of arguments, supported: i = integer f = float s = string N = Null (ignores corresponding argument) I = Impulse (ignores corresponding argument) T = True (ignores corresponding argument) F = False (ignores corresponding argument) B = boolean (not official: converts argument to T/F in the type) not supported: b = blob args = arguments as specified by types. EXAMPLE u = udp( ,7488) fopen(u) oscsend(u, /test , ifsINBTF , 1, 3.14, hello ,[],[],false,[],[]) fclose(u) See http://opensoundcontrol.org/ for more information about OSC.)
    2011-05-15 17:56:03下载
  • [MATLAB智能算法30个案分析].史峰等.扫描版 上
    MATLAB智能算法30个案例分析,本书采用案例形式,以智能算法为主线,讲解了遗传算法鱼群算法等。(Analysis of 30 Cases of Intelligent Algorithms in MATLAB.This book uses the case form, takes the intelligent algorithm as the main line, explains the genetic algorithm fish swarm algorithm and so on.)
    2019-05-08 18:56:07下载
  • code
    此程序以美国黄石国家公园为例,构造尽可能贴近实际的仿真环境,从而通过仿真得到野火发生频率与野火规模之间的数学模型。这是一个经典的幂率模型,稍作改造好即可模拟“28原则”、“网站点击率”等幂率相关问题。(This procedure to Yellowstone National Park as an example, the actual construction simulation environment as close as possible to the simulated wildfire through the frequency and size of wildfires between the mathematical model. This is a classic power law model, slightly modified to better simulate " 28 principles" , " web site click-through rate" and other power-law related issues.)
    2011-01-12 18:40:19下载
    this file contents many of matlab intermediatte lectures. I made by myselves..
    2011-05-19 07:34:22下载
  • Matlab6[1].0
    包括matlab进行图像处理的基本函数,很全面,让大家方便以后使用(including Matlab for the basic image processing functions, and comprehensively, so that we use to facilitate future)
    2007-04-23 10:26:22下载
  • zju
    该文件是关于数学建模的一些讲义,从各方面详细介绍了数学建模,作者是浙江大学的刘利刚。(The document is some handouts on mathematical modeling, described in detail all aspects of mathematical modeling, the author is Liu Ligang Zhejiang University.)
    2014-10-10 16:42:30下载
  • Lorenz-Lyapunov
    Lozi系统的李雅普图形及相应的MATLAB语言程序(Lozi system and procedures of the Lyapunov map)
    2011-11-21 21:02:29下载
  • tianxian
    本手册是根据国内最著名的天线专家、教授的最新研究与工程设计成果并汇集了国际上的最新资料精心编撰而成的宏篇巨著,是目前国内第一本全面论述天线工程最系统、最完整的工具书。全书共分四篇29章。第一篇为天线基础,介绍了天线的基本参数、基本原理、基本理论和基本分析方法,为读者阅读后续各章 打下坚实基础;第二篇为天线设计,是全书的核心,介绍各类天线的工作原理和设计方法,可供使用的设计公式、图表和具体数据;第三篇概述天线在通信、雷达、导航、遥测、测向等军民方面的应用,还介绍了特殊用途的天线,如载体天线、圆极化天线、毫米波天线等;第四篇介绍了与天线相关的论题,如天线的测量、天线散射载面、天线罩等。(This manual is based on the latest research and engineering achievements of the most famous antenna experts, professors and brings together the latest information on carefully compiled international macro magnum opus, is the first comprehensive discussion of the antenna construction most systematic complete tool. 29 book is divided into four chapters. The first is the antenna base, introduces the basic parameters of the antenna, the basic principles, basic theory and analysis methods for the following chapters the reader Lay a solid foundation The second is an antenna design is the core of the book, describes various types of antennas working principle and design methods, design formulas available, charts and specific data an overview of the third antenna in communication, radar, navigation , telemetry, military and civilian aspects of the application DF et al., also describes the antennas for special purposes, such as carrier antenna, a circularly polarized antenna, the millimet)
    2016-07-22 10:17:24下载
  • emuWind
    The EnumWindows function enumerates all top-level windows on the screen by passing the handle to each window, in turn, to an application-defined callback function. EnumWindows continues until the last top-level window is enumerated or the callback function returns FALSE.
    2014-10-25 07:01:03下载
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