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于 2011-09-04 发布 文件大小:132KB
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  在降低运算量的同时保持了相控阵接收通道回波之间的固有幅度、相 位关系, 采用变换法来产生通道噪声, 使通道回波生成耗时控制在毫秒量级及系统仿真实现准 实时。(In reducing the amount of computing while maintaining a phased array receiver channel between the intrinsic echo amplitude, phase relations, the use of transform methods to generate channel noise, echo generation takes control of the channel in the order of milliseconds and the system simulation to achieve accurate real-time.)





0 个回复

  • upload2
    Contains watermark embedding
    2009-05-02 01:12:11下载
  • LMS_noise_add_ADC
    Executable LMS algorithm for DM342 EVM.
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  • sift
    说明:  用Matlab实现灰度图像SIFT(尺度不变特征变换)特征点的提取(Grayscale images with Matlab SIFT (Scale Invariant Feature Transform) feature point extraction)
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    关于无线传感器网络的路由算法研究,在能量均衡上的经典LEACH算法,用matlab进行的仿真,能够实现!(Abstract: The distributed wireless sensor net work and the technol ogy of wireless communicati on could realize the subsidence monit oring and measuring in coalmine goaf . One of the i mportant researcheswas r outing p r ot ocol in wireless sens or net works . Based on the design idea of the LEACH routing p r ot ocol for the wireless sens or net work, taking the net work communicati on capacity t o be increased and the re2 dundant data trans missi on t o be reduced as the target, according t o the available LEACH i mp r oved calculati on method, an i mp roved layer r outing p rot ocol algorithm was p rovided . With the introducti on of the forced cluster head and according t o the data relativity of the monit o2 ring and measuring variati on for the unit p itch pointswithin the continued ti me, the redundant data transmissi on quantitywas reduced . A comparison si mulati on on the net work existing ti me of the i mp roved algorithm for the t wo LEACH p rot ocolswas conduced . The)
    2010-05-19 10:59:26下载
  • FLDA
    这个呢是用来做人脸识别的,非常简练,而且注释清晰。(FACE RECONGNITION)
    2010-05-19 11:49:09下载
  • harris-trace
    harris算子迹实验,以harris为角点检测算子,计算自相关矩阵M的迹图像。(the harris operator trace experiment, harris corner detection operator, calculated from the trace of the matrix M image.)
    2013-04-25 14:46:57下载
  • gawywwzm
    仿真效率很高的,包含特征值与特征向量的提取、训练样本以及最后的识别,直线阵采用切比学夫加权控制主旁瓣比,包括广义互相关函数GCC时延估计,含噪脉冲信号进行相关检测。(High simulation efficiency, Contains the eigenvalue and eigenvector extraction, the training sample, and the final recognition, Linear array using cut than learning laid upon the right control of the main sidelobe ratio, Including the generalized cross-correlation function GCC time delay estimation, Noisy pulse correlation detection signal.)
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  • topD
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  • 00
    说明:  用于在MATLAB面板里显示灰度图形用。(this is used in display panels with gray-scale graphics in matlab.)
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