首页 » Visual C++ » TowerDefensecocos2d-2.0-x-2.0.4


于 2020-07-04 发布 文件大小:17769KB
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  cocos 塔防游戏代码,非常完整,想学习的朋友可以参考(cocos tower defense game code, very complete, want to learn can refer a friend)














0 个回复

  • game21
    21点游戏 (1)实现一个扑克类Poker,并提供取牌函数,主函数实现洗牌、取牌、显示牌内容的过程 (2)实现多玩家的21点人机游戏,每个玩家依次叫牌,直到所有玩家都不再叫牌位置,最后显示每人手里的牌,并显示输赢结果 c++(21:00 Games (1) to achieve a poker class Poker, and offers to take the licensing function, the main function to achieve shuffle, take cards, display cards content process (2) to achieve human-computer multi-player blackjack game, each player in turn called cards until all players are no longer bid position, the last display cards per hand and shows winners and losers c++)
    2015-12-24 17:44:06下载
  • MGgame
    迷宫游戏~~~算法!!!!!供新手参考!!参考!!!!!(~ ~ ~ Algorithm for maze game! ! ! ! ! Reference for the novice! ! Reference! ! ! ! !)
    2011-04-19 17:07:09下载
  • AI.Game.Engine.Programming-code
    《AI游戏引擎程序设计》配书盘,学写C++编写人工智能程序的好书,代码具有较好的重用性 (AI game engine programming, " with book plate, learn Write C++ write the good books of the artificial intelligence program, the code has better reusability)
    2012-12-17 23:04:30下载
  • xiaxue
    下雪屏保,很好看的,源码很详细,有用的下载研究一下(Snow screensaver, very nice, the source is very detailed and useful study download)
    2011-01-26 08:56:30下载
  • Sudo
    一个数独游戏的计算小程序.利用回溯算法.能算出所有可能的结果.(The calculation of a Sudoku applet. The use of backtracking algorithms. Is able to calculate all the possible outcomes.)
    2009-11-19 12:54:10下载
  • p53
    这是一个贪吃蛇的游戏 希望大家喜欢 非常适合新手学习的哦(This is a snake code, suitable for beginners to hope that we support a lot )
    2013-06-20 21:24:53下载
  • GEMS (4)
    this is desk ok code?
    2017-08-04 18:30:39下载
  • wuziqi
    控制台编的五子棋游戏,用的贪心算法,AI不算太高,但希望对像我一样菜的同学有所启发……(Console compiled 331 games, with the greedy algorithm)
    2011-10-29 19:07:00下载
  • Skyblue_Mine
    一个简单的VC游戏程序,供学习和娱乐使用。(A simple VC game program for both study and entertainment.)
    2009-12-03 18:50:42下载
  • chuangame
    VC++枣子穿纽游戏源码,类似扫雷游戏的界面,不过玩法有点不一样,游戏源代码在vc++6下编译通过,你应该通过源代码能看出些玩法来。   相关资料:在本游戏中,你将作为一名裁缝,将尽可能多的纽扣穿成一个闭合的路线。游戏初始有 15 个纽扣,随着时间的增加,纽扣数目也增加,当达到70个时游戏即结束。只能在有纽扣的点穿线,且只能在水平方向或竖直方向穿线。线可交叉,但有纽扣的点不能交叉连接。   透露点秘诀:要尽可能使连线长且该连线上的纽扣数多。(VC++ source code dates to wear new game, the game interface similar to mine, but a bit different from playing the game in the source code to compile under vc++6 passed through the source code you should be able to see more options. Relevant information: in this game, you will serve as a tailor, will be wearing buttons as much as possible into a closed line. Game initial 15 buttons, an increase over time, increase the number of buttons, when the 70 hours to reach the end of the game that is. Buttons can only point in the threading, and only in the horizontal direction or vertical direction of threading. Lines cross, but the buttons can not be cross-connect point. Point revealed the secret: To the extent possible, so long and the connection to connect on a few more buttons.)
    2009-07-16 21:48:30下载
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