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于 2013-01-19 发布 文件大小:2724KB
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  复杂网络中寻找最大匹配的Hopcroft-Karp算法的java实现代码,希望对大家有用(Looking for the biggest match in the complex network Hopcroft-Karp algorithm to achieve the java code, the hope that useful)





0 个回复

  • Guessnumber
    猜数字游戏 游戏说明: 1、游戏开始,电脑随机产生一个数字不重复的四位数。 2、将您猜的数点击OK按钮提交。 3、电脑会将您提交的数与它自动产生的数进行比较,结果显示成"*A*B"。A代表位置正确数字也正确,B代表数字 正确但位置不正确,比如:"2A2B"表示您有2个数字的位置正确且数值也正确,除此以外,您还猜对了2个数字 ,但位置不对。 4、您共有10次机会,在10次内,如果结果为“4A0B”,游戏成功。如果10次里您都没有猜对游戏失败。(Guessnumber: 1, games started, the computer randomly generated a number of non-repetition of the four-digit. 2, would you guess the number of clicks the OK button to submit. 3, the computer will take you to submit a few with it automatically generated a number of comparison, the result is displayed as* A* B . A representative of the location of the correct figure is also correct, B representative of the number of correct but the location is incorrect, such as: 2A2B that you have a two-digit numerical position is correct and also the right, in addition, you guessed it two figures, but wrong location. 4, your opportunity for a total of 10 times in 10 times, if the results of 4A0B , the game successfully. 10 years if you do not have to guess the failure of the game.)
    2021-03-22 08:19:17下载
  • Examples-for-Java-Web-with-SSH
    本书讲述的Struts、Hibernate、Spring无论在已有项目的选用比例,还是在开发人员的认知度上,都是最有影响力和号召力的,Struts+Hibernate+Spring已经成为轻量级开发J2EE的标准配置,被称为SHS经典组合,这也是目前Java程序员必须掌握的技能。本书是一本由小实例组合成的实践书,每个案例读者都可以亲自实践。(Book tells Struts, Hibernate, Spring, whether in the selection of the ratio of existing projects, or in the awareness of developers, are the most influential and charismatic, Struts+ Hibernate+ Spring has become a lightweight J2EE Development the standard configuration is called SHS classic combination, which is currently the Java programmer must master the skills. This book is a small example of a combination of practical book, readers can each case personally practice.)
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