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  fdtd3D simulation by matlab



0 个回复

  • zydu-matlab
    用 MATLAB实现作业车间调度的遗传算法源程序,基本思路可供参考。希望对大家有所帮助。( Realization of job-shop scheduling based on genetic algorithm by using MATLAB soft. wish help to others.)
    2010-10-15 08:41:33下载
  • drosta2
    根据的给出降水量,返回干旱历时、烈度、时间.以均值、0.8的均值、0.6的均值为阈值。(according to the given precipitation ,calculate the last time,intensity and the start time of arid.)
    2011-05-23 10:41:55下载
  • guoling
    介绍了一种过零检测方法,实用性强,检测效果较好(This paper introduces a zero crossing detection method, practical strong, better effect)
    2015-03-13 23:51:31下载
  • impacting-filter
    雷达通信一体化系统,针对非波动目标以及波动目标的雷达探测性能分析。(he dual-frequency MPPSK-MODEM platform is a flexible one. When ranging accuracy request is low or platform is particularly affected by power limitations, the platform would perform both data transmission and range measurement with single frequency modes. In this paper, the ranging resolution of MPPSK pulse waveforms with the match filter and impacting filter processing method are discussed, respectively. Also, the selection of MPPSK modulation parameters for ranging is considered. In particular, requirements that allow for employing such special parameter values for range measurements with high accuracy and high range are investigated. Moreover, high repetition frequency (HRF) bi-phase code MPPSK pulse train base on m sequence are presented, the ranging accuracy of the proposed signal with the match filter processing method is deduced. In addition to theoretical considerations, the paper presents system simulations and measurement results of single-frequency MPPSK intergated systems, d)
    2020-09-22 09:57:52下载
  • Cyclostationarity
    利用信号的循环平稳特性进行相干源的波达方向估计(DOA Cyclostationarity use of coherent signal source estimates)
    2013-12-26 12:36:23下载
  • MSK_self
    在MATLAB simulink中搭建MSK调制解调模型,码元速率可以调整,可以增加信道模型也观察信噪比与误码率之间的关系,scope观察解调结果。(MSK modem built in MATLAB simulink model, the symbol rate can be adjusted to increase the channel model can also observe the relationship between SNR and BER, scope observation demodulation result.)
    2020-12-23 17:19:05下载
  • 5
    说明:  无迹卡尔曼滤波在目标跟踪中的应用MATLAB仿真(Application of untracked Calman filter in target tracking)
    2018-04-10 15:09:03下载
  • S3
    说明:  function [ret,x0,str,ts,xts]=s3(t,x,u,flag) s3 is the M-file description of the SIMULINK system named s3. The block-diagram can be displayed by typing: s3. SYS=s3(T,X,U,FLAG) returns depending on FLAG certain system values given time point, T, current state vector, X, and input vector, U. FLAG is used to indicate the type of output to be returned in SYS.
    2010-03-03 17:15:34下载
  • MATLAB-GPS-data-processing
    利用MATLAB实时处理GPS数据,:利用MATLAB软件环境,现场接收并实时处理海上地球物理调查过程中的GPS定位数据,剔除原始数据中的跳点,处理定位误差.(Real-time GPS data processing, using MATLAB: using the MATLAB software environment, the site receives and real-time processing GPS positioning in the process of Marine geophysical survey data, eliminating hops in the raw data, processing positioning error.)
    2013-12-06 11:11:04下载
  • SD_detector
    Support for SD detector
    2013-12-24 22:12:39下载
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