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于 2013-01-15 发布 文件大小:23KB
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  自己编写的数字滤波器工具箱,界面和功能均参照MATLAB中的FDATOOL工具箱。能实现FIR,IIR各种数字滤波器的设置。(A program designed in MATLAB GUIDE with the interface and function of FDATOOL in matlab. )



0 个回复

  • toimage
    matlab的toimage程序,虚部转换程序。供大家参考。用于hht中。(matlab' s toimage procedures, the imaginary part of the conversion process. For your reference. For hht in.)
    2010-08-21 15:48:32下载
  • 10146_4_e_22
    移动通信原理实验指导书 内容包括各种调制实验的算法 MSK,GMSK,QPSK,OQPSK,DQPSK,pi/4DQPSK....(Guiding principle of the experimental mobile contents include a variety of modulation algorithm experiment MSK, GMSK, QPSK, OQPSK, DQPSK, pi/4DQPSK ....)
    2009-06-07 17:20:10下载
  • dbcdecom
    矩阵右互质分解程序 在鲁棒稳定性中有重要的应用(This function returns the result of double coprime decomposition.)
    2010-05-05 18:04:39下载
  • ACO-on-JSSP
    Dynamic job shop scheduling problem is one form of a job shop scheduling problem with varying arrival time job or not concurrent. This problem can be represented in graph form, which is to seek the shortest path from start point to destination point. One solution that can be used is with the ant colony optimization algorithm. There are three method to input the job : xls file, matriks, and atrractive dialog.
    2012-07-06 18:36:23下载
  • DeskEEEWtop
    【谷速软件】卷积的GUI 可以作为参考使用学习([Valley] GUI convolution speed software can use as a reference to learn)
    2014-12-20 12:27:35下载
  • FuzzyPIDcontroller
    通过MATLAB仿真工具箱simulink实现模糊控制原理下的PID智能控制器(Toolbox through MATLAB simulation simulink realize fuzzy PID control theory under the intelligent controller)
    2020-07-12 21:38:53下载
    一个matlab课件,对于matlab初学着,有非常大的用处。(A courseware matlab, matlab for beginners, and has a very large useful.)
    2008-05-09 19:28:12下载
  • guangboxingli
    广播星历进行卫星定轨,使用C#语言,精度1-2米,适合卫星定位相关服务或者研究GPS初学者研究使用(Broadcast ephemeris satellite orbit determination using the C# language, accuracy of 1-2 meters, for satellite positioning services or research studies using GPS for beginners)
    2021-03-02 14:39:34下载
  • hwst-1.0
    matlab 实现分水岭算法,可以根据具体的需要来该进(matlab to achieve watershed algorithm may be based on specific needs of the Progressive)
    2009-12-10 17:37:53下载
  • Method-for-solving-EM-problems
    提出了一种求解电磁场有限元 边界元混合法所生成的线性方程组的有效方法 ———内观 法结合多波前法.由于该线性方程组的系数是一个部分稀疏部分满填充的矩阵,为了加速求解,应用内观法将系数矩阵分为 2块,一块是有限元法形成的稀疏矩阵,另一块是边界元法生成的满阵,然后用多波前法求解稀疏矩阵方程,用高斯 约当消去法解满阵方程. 采用该方法,计算了二维多层介质柱体的雷达散射截面.计算结果表明,该方法的计算效率远远高于传统的高斯法.(Proposed for solving mixed finite element boundary element linear equations generated by an effective method of Vipassana--- a combination of multi wave front method. Since the coefficients of linear equations is a part of the sparsely populated part of the full matrix, in order to speed up the solution, application of Vipassana coefficient matrix is ​ ​ divided into two, one is the finite element method for the formation of the sparse matrix, the other is the boundary element method generates the full array, and then use the multifrontal method for solving sparse matrix equation Gauss Jordan elimination method with full matrix equation solution. use this method to calculate the two-dimensional multi-layer dielectric cylinder of the radar cross section. The results show the computational efficiency of this method is much higher than the traditional Gaussian law.)
    2011-04-26 09:02:53下载
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