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于 2013-01-13 发布 文件大小:72KB
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  WPD是由WPer.So出品的一款WordPress主题设置的框架,它可以帮助我们快速的开发WordPress主题。该框架尽可能的集成了WordPress的风格和自带的功能,从而用最少的代码来实现最多的功能。可定制性强,操作简单,极易上手。 WPD具有以下特点: 与WordPress完美结合。WPD基于WordPress函数Meta Box,所以设置面板的整体样式风格与WordPress浑然一体; 功能更加丰富。除了支持常用的表单控件,WPD还支持自定义字段、自定义文本,同时,还集成了Color Picker; 动态布局。WPD支持1--4栏布局,用户可以通过鼠标拖拽,更改各个小设置面板的位置; 操作简单。用户只需按照内置的完整实例代码稍作修改,就可以完成主题选项的添加; 文件体积小。整个框架文件大小仅为88.5KB,其中包括35.9KB的图片; 支持WordPress3.0 + 。 WPD基于GPL2.0协议发布,未经许可请勿用于商业用途。(WPD is a WPer.So produced by a WordPress theme settings framework, it can help us to rapidly develop the WordPress theme. The framework as much as possible to integrate WordPress style and built-in functions, and with a minimum of code to achieve maximum function. Can be customized and strong, simple operation, easy to use. WPD has the following characteristics: With WordPress perfect combination. The WPD WordPress function based on the Meta Box, so set the panel integral style and WordPress all blend into one harmonious whole Function more rich. In addition to support commonly used form controls, WPD also supports custom fields, custom text, at the same time, also integrates Color Picker Dynamic layout. WPD supports the 1--4 column layout, the user can through mouse drag, change all settings panel position Simple operation. Only users with built-in complete code examples with some slight modifications, can complete the theme options to add File size small. The entire frame f)



0 个回复

  • IEwindowcontent
    获取IE窗口网址和内容:获取当前的IE窗口的网址和HTML源代码。(Get IE window URLs and content: access to the current IE window of the URL and HTML source code.)
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