生成PDF文档的控件,支持中文,待源码。不需要其他的库文件(Control PDF documents generated to support the Chinese, to be source code. The library file does not need other)
- 2009-05-28 18:04:51下载
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大家来找茬游戏,用Delphi开发,地球人都知道的街机游戏(We come to finding fault game development with Delphi, the Earth people know arcade games)
- 2010-07-23 09:50:35下载
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Delphi格式化磁盘源码,有三个选项:快速格式化、完全格式化、仅复制系统文件,可以制作软件启动引导盘(Delphi formatted disk source, there are three options: quick format, fully formatted, only copy the system files, you can create software boot disk)
- 2013-04-16 11:07:15下载
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建立键盘鼠标动作记录与回放(使用Delphi开发)(Keyboard and mouse action recording and playback ( the use of Delphi )
- 2013-05-02 16:09:46下载
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delphi读取激光位移传感器optoNCDT ILD2300的数据,很实用。(Delphi read the laser displacement sensor ILD2300 optoNCDT data, it is practical.)
- 2015-11-07 10:26:12下载
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(Automatically generated number, Delphi+ database, in fact, I think how the database itself can generate a number for each add a data ID field of the database will automatically add 1 to form a change order ID number, the program also requires SQL database with a pity that the authors did not provide a database file for Delphi programming special needs, according to the code to restore the database details.)
- 2012-12-07 20:25:45下载
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Simple Additive Weighting Method with Delphi
- 2016-07-22 18:34:22下载
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Browse Folder
说明: This is how to browse folder
- 2020-04-27 12:20:46下载
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Delphi编写的一个支持语法高亮显示和很多语言的文本编辑器(Delphi support of a syntax highlighter and many language text editor)
- 2005-01-08 14:25:44下载
- 积分:1
delphi 2d qrcode 条码,找了好久的(failed to translate)
- 2021-03-20 18:29:18下载
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