这是一个用C写的购物系统小程序,主要功能有1登陆系统,2修改管理员密码,3退出;登陆的账号密码为manager,0000;进入系统后有3个主要的功能,1客户信息管理,2购物结算,3真情回馈;这3个主要功能下面还有几个小功能。这个源程序可以帮助刚学习C语言的人更好的学习函数,数组,结构体,宏等技术。(This is a written with C shopping system of small procedures, the main function has 1 landing system, modify administrator password exit 2, 3 landing account number password manager, 0000 after entering the system has 3 main functions, 1 customer information management, 2 shopping settlement, 3 of the 3 major real feedback here are a few small function function. This source can help just learning C language better learning function, array, structure, macro technology.)